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[ICLR 2023] Multimodal3DIdent: a multimodal dataset of image/text pairs generated from controllable ground truth factors

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Multimodal3DIdent Dataset Generation

Official code for generating the Multimodal3DIdent dataset introduced in the paper Identifiability Results for Multimodal Contrastive Learning presented at ICLR 2023. The dataset provides an identifiability benchmark with image/text pairs generated from controllable ground truth factors, some of which are shared between image and text modalities, as illustrated in the following examples.

Multimodal3DIdent dataset example images


The generated dataset contains image and text data as well as the ground truth factors of variation for each modality. The dataset is structured as follows:

├── images
│   ├── 000000.png
│   ├── 000001.png
│   └── etc.
├── text
│   └── text_raw.txt
├── latents_image.csv
└── latents_text.csv

The directories images and text contain the generated image and text data, whereas the CSV files latents_image.csv and latents_text.csv contain the values of the respective latent factors. There is an index-wise correspondence between images, sentences, and latents. For example, the first line in the file text_raw.txt is the sentence that corresponds to the first image in the images directory.

Latent factors

We use the following ground truth latent factors to generate image and text data. Each factor is sampled from a uniform distribution defined on the specified set of values for the respective factor.

Modality Latent Factor Values Details
Image Object shape {0, 1, ..., 6} Mapped to Blender shapes like "Teapot", "Hare", etc.
Image Object x-position {0, 1, 2} Mapped to {-3, 0, 3} for Blender
Image Object y-position {0, 1, 2} Mapped to {-3, 0, 3} for Blender
Image Object z-position {0} Constant
Image Object alpha-rotation [0, 1]-interval Linearly transformed to [-pi/2, pi/2] for Blender
Image Object beta-rotation [0, 1]-interval Linearly transformed to [-pi/2, pi/2] for Blender
Image Object gamma-rotation [0, 1]-interval Linearly transformed to [-pi/2, pi/2] for Blender
Image Object color [0, 1]-interval Hue value in HSV transformed to RGB for Blender
Image Spotlight position [0, 1]-interval Transformed to a unique position on a semicircle
Image Spotlight color [0, 1]-interval Hue value in HSV transformed to RGB for Blender
Image Background color [0, 1]-interval Hue value in HSV transformed to RGB for Blender
Text Object shape {0, 1, ..., 6} Mapped to strings like "teapot", "hare", etc.
Text Object x-position {0, 1, 2} Mapped to strings "left", "center", "right"
Text Object y-position {0, 1, 2} Mapped to strings "top", "mid", "bottom"
Text Object color string values Color names from 3 different color palettes
Text Text phrasing {0, 1, ..., 4} Mapped to 5 different English sentences

Image rendering

We use the Blender rendering engine to create visually complex images depicting a 3D scene. Each image in the dataset shows a colored 3D object of a certain shape or class (i.e., teapot, hare, cow, armadillo, dragon, horse, or head) in front of a colored background and illuminated by a colored spotlight that is focused on the object and located on a semicircle above the scene. The resulting RGB images are of size 224 x 224 x 3.

Text generation

We generate a short sentence describing the respective scene. Each sentence describes the object's shape or class (e.g., teapot), position (e.g., bottom-left), and color. The color is represented in a human-readable form (e.g., "lawngreen", "xkcd:bright aqua", etc.) as the name of the color (from a randomly sampled palette) that is closest to the sampled color value in RGB space. The sentence is constructed from one of five pre-configured phrases with placeholders for the respective ground truth factors.

Relation between modalities

Three latent factors (object shape, x-position, y-position) are shared between image/text pairs. The object color also exhibits a dependence between modalities; however, it is not a 1-to-1 correspondence because the color palette is sampled randomly from a set of multiple palettes. It is easy to customize the existing dependencies or to add additional dependencies between latent factors, see customize dependencies.


To use the dataset, you can either generate the data from scratch or download the full dataset from Zenodo. To generate the data from scratch, install Blender (ideally, version 2.90.1) and proceed as follows:

# install dependencies (preferably, inside your conda/virtual environment)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# set an alias for the blender executable (adjust the path to your installation!)
$ alias blender="/home/username/downloads/blender-2.90.1-linux64/blender"

# generate ten image/text pairs and save them to the directory "example"
$ python --output-folder "example" --n-points 10
$ python --output-folder "example"
$ blender -noaudio --background --python -- --use-gpu --output-folder "example"

Note that for the generation of images, all options prior to -- are specific to Blender, while all arguments following -- are passed to the Python script

PyTorch Dataset

To load the data using PyTorch, you can use the file For example, to load the example dataset generated above, execute the following commands in Python:

>>> from datasets import Multimodal3DIdent
>>> dataset = Multimodal3DIdent("example")  # init the example dataset
>>> sample = dataset[0]                     # load the first sample
>>> print(sample.keys())
dict_keys(['image', 'text', 'z_image', 'z_text'])

As illustrated above, each sample is a dict that contains the corresponding image, text, and ground truth factors z_image and z_text respectively. Note that the text is returned as a 1-hot encoding, which can easily be adjusted in the function __getitem__ in

Customize dependencies

It is easy to customize the dependencies between latent factors and to adjust which factors are shared between modalities by changing the respective variables in the file

For example, we already provide the option to impose a causal dependence of object color on object x-position through the argument --position-dependent-color. When activated, the range of hue values [0, 1] is split into three equally sized intervals, each of which is associated with a fixed x-position of the object. For instance, if x-position is "left", we sample the hue value from the interval [0, 1/3]. Consequently, the color of the object can be predicted to some degree from the object's position.


If you find the dataset useful, please cite our paper:

  author = {
    Daunhawer, Imant and
    Bizeul, Alice and
    Palumbo, Emanuele and
    Marx, Alexander and
    Vogt, Julia E.
  title = {
    Identifiability Results for Multimodal Contrastive Learning
  booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
  year = {2023}


This project builds on the following resources. Please cite them appropriately.


[ICLR 2023] Multimodal3DIdent: a multimodal dataset of image/text pairs generated from controllable ground truth factors





