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  1. Sum of Array Elements: Write a program to find the sum of all elements in an array.

  2. Largest Element in Array: Find and print the largest element in an array.

  3. Even or Odd Numbers: Check if a given number is even or odd using if-else. (also count in an array)

  4. Reverse an Array: Reverse the elements of an array.

  5. Factorial Calculation: Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number.********* + recursive solution.

  6. Palindrome Check: Check if a given string is a palindrome. (use char string)

  7. Prime Number Check: Determine whether a given number is prime.

  8. Fibonacci Series: Generate and print the first N elements of the Fibonacci series.******** + recursive solution.

  9. Linear Search: Implement a linear search algorithm to find an element in an array. (true or false return type)

  10. Binary Search: Implement binary search for a sorted array.

  11. Duplicate Elements: Find and print duplicate elements in an array. (true or false return type)

  12. Count Vowels and Consonants: Count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string. (a, e, i, o, u)

  13. Multiplication Table: Print the multiplication table for a given number. (2 x 1 = 1, 2 x 2 = 4)

  14. Matrix Addition: Add two matrices and print the result. 5x5 5x5 (return 2d array)

  15. Calculate Average: Calculate the average of elements in an array.

  16. Leap Year Check: Determine whether a given year is a leap year.

  17. Pattern Printing: Print a pattern (e.g., a pyramid) using loops. (google patterns of loop)

  18. String Reversal: Reverse a given string without using built-in functions. apple, elppa

  19. Armstrong Number: Check if a number is an Armstrong number.

  20. Find Minimum and Maximum: Write a program to find the minimum and maximum values in an array.


Standard Level Questions Solved With Java





