SlideEffect allows you to create easily a SnapChat like navigation between a picture and its filters (that you can automatically generate).
iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, all iPad having iOS 9.
To insert a slider in your ViewController, all you need is to create the slider, load the data and show it.
self.slideView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, k_screen_width, k_screen_heigtht)];
self.slider = [[MSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:self.slideView.frame];
Then, you can generate filters from your original picture, using the Core Image Filter. [MSFilter filterNameList]
is a small selection of filters that you can use for a quick demo :
// Create your original filter
MSFilter *originalPicture = [[MSFilter alloc] initWithFrame:self.slider.frame withImage:image withContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleToFill];
// Generate differents filters by passing in argument the original picture and an array of filter's name = [MSFilter generateFiltersWithoriginalImage:originalPicture withFilters:[MSFilter filterNameList]];
Your ViewController must conform to the MSSliderDataSource
protocol. It allows the slider to be populated with your own data.
- (NSInteger) numberOfSlides:(MSSlider *)slider
- (MSFilter *)slider:(MSSlider *)slider slideAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
return [ objectAtIndex:index];
- (NSInteger) startAtIndex:(MSSlider *)slider
return 0;
Finally, you can show the slider :
self.slider.dataSource = self;
self.slider.userInteractionEnabled = true;
self.slider.multipleTouchEnabled = true;
self.slider.exclusiveTouch = false;
[self.slideView addSubview:self.slider];
[self.view addSubview:self.slideView];
[self.slider reloadData];
Md. Khairul Islam. Contact at
Free Icons provided by Icons8
SlideEffect is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.