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Releases: imgag/ngs-bits


27 Aug 06:21
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Changes in release 2024_08:

  • added tool: CnvReferenceCohort
  • removed tool: NGSDMaintain (functionality now in GSvar NGSD maintainance dialog)
  • NGSDExportSamples: added option -add_study_column
  • NGSDSameSample: added option -include_bad
  • NGSD: added new table runqc_ont

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29 Jul 08:00
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Changes in release 2024_07:

  • BedCoverage: improved runtime by using chromosomal sweep instead of random access (added parameter -random_access)
  • BedHighCoverage: improved runtime by using chromosomal sweep instead of random access (added parameter -random_access)
  • BedLowCoverage: improved runtime by using chromosomal sweep instead of random access (added parameter -random_access)
  • VcfAnnotateConsequence: added support for RefSeq GFF file
  • VcfFilter: added parameter -filter_clear
  • NGSD:
    • kasp_status: added fields calculated_date and calculated_by.

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25 Jun 12:05
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June 2024 release:

  • new tools: NGSDExportIgvGeneTrack
  • BamFilter: added parameter for maximum insert size
  • NGSDAddVariantsGermline: now imports REs as well
  • NGSDExportSamples: new paramters -only_with_small_variants and -add_lab_columns.
  • SampleGender: new parameter -include_single_end_reads for long-read data.
  • SampleSimilarity: new parameter -include_single_end_reads for long-read data.
  • SampleSimilarity: new parameter -roi_hg38_wes_wgs to make WES, WGS and lrGS results more comparable.
  • UpdHunter: new parameter -out_informative to write out a IGV track with informative variants.
  • VcfCalculatePRS: new parameter -min_depth and support for variants that are to be imputed independent of the sample genotype.
  • NGSD:
    • added tables for somatic SVs: somatic_somatic_sv_callset, somatic_sv_deletion, somatic_sv_duplication, somatic_sv_insertion, somatic_sv_inversion, somatic_sv_translocation, somatic_report_configuration_sv
    • added tables for repeat expansions: repeat_expansion, repeat_expansion_genotype, re_callset, report_configuration_re
    • processed_sample table: added boolean scheduled_for_resequencing to flag samples for resequencing to increase depth/coverage

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22 Feb 15:51
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February 2024 release:

  • new tools: NGSDExportIgvGeneTrack, VcfMerge, VcfSplit, BamExtract
  • removed tools: CnvHunter
  • NGSDSameSample: Added option '-include_merged'
  • VcfFilter: Added options '-remove_non_ref' and '-no_special_chr'
  • VcfCheck: Added check for main header line
  • VariantRanking: using NGSD annotations by default now, skipping mosaic variants now
  • SampleSimilarity: added parameter 'roi_hg38_wes_wgs'
  • VcfLeftNormalize: now skips invalid variants

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21 Nov 11:45
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November 2023 release:

  • new tools: NGSDSameSample
  • MappingQC: added long-read support
  • NGSDExportGff: added parameter 'genes' to add/skip gene lines
  • NGSDExportSamples: added parameter 'add_call_details' to export variant calling tools and dates
  • VariantQC: added long-read support
  • NGSD
    • Added 'small_variants_callset' table.
    • Added field 'classification' to 'somatic_vicc_interpretation' table.


27 Sep 09:28
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September 2023 release:

  • new tools: VcfAnnotateMaxEntScan, SamplePath, NGSDImportGenlab, NGSDImportOncotree
  • NGSDExportSamples: added '-add_dates' flag.
  • VcfLeftNormalize: added flag '-right' to right-normaliazion.
  • NGSD
    • Updated enums of 'sequencing_run' for NovaSeqX+ suppport.
    • Added 'year_of_borth, 'order_date' and 'sampling_date' to 'sample' table.
    • Added 'processing_modus' enum and 'batch number' varchar to 'processed_sample' table.
    • Added tables 'oncotree_term', 'oncotree_parent' and 'oncotree_obsolete'.


03 Jul 13:47
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June 2023 release:

  • new tools: GenesToTranscripts, NGSDImportSampleQC, GenesToTranscripts, TranscriptsToBed, NGSDExportGff.
  • BamToFastq: Added support for single-end.
  • MappingQC: Added support for read QC.
  • VcfToBedpe: Added support for Sniffles, cuteSV and dipdiff.
  • FastqExtract: Added parameter 'long_read'.
  • ReadQC: Added parameter 'long_read'.
  • NGSDExportSamples: added parameters 'run_after' and 'no_normal'.
  • NGSDExportAnnotationData: speed-up by parallelization.
  • NGSD
    • Added 'side' enum to 'sequencing_run' table
    • Added 'germline_mosaic' to 'variant' table
    • Added 'hpo_obsolete' table with obsolete HPO terms
    • Refactoring of 'expression' and 'gene_expression' tables to speed-up queries

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23 Mar 07:46
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March 2023 release:

  • NGSDImportEnsembl: Update to support Ensembl 109
  • RnaQC: Added target region to support targeted transcriptomics experiments
  • NGSD
    • Added ncbi_id to gene table
    • Added folder_overrideto processed_sample table

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15 Feb 15:23
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February 2023 release:

  • Updated build instructions for Windows from Qt 5.9 (32 bit) to Qt 5.12 (64 bit)
  • added tools VcfAdd, VcfSubstract
  • NGSDExportSamples: added ancestry and phenotype filter options
  • NGSDImportEnsembl: added import of transcript versions
  • VcfAnnotateConsequence: added multi-threading support
  • NGSD
    • Added transcript version to 'gene_transcript' table
    • Added more tissues to 'sample' table
    • Added comment field to 'user' table
    • Added table of variant to 'variant_publication' table to support ClinVar upload of CNVs and SVs
    • Added mosaic status to 'detected_variant' table

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16 Dec 12:35
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December2022 release:

  • tool VcfAdd added
  • VcfFilter: added option -remove_invalid
  • VcfSort: added option -remove_unused_contigs
  • VcfAnnotateConsequence: improved error handling and load time for GFF file

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