Bobbi Brown Cosmetics is a global premium beauty brand that empowers women to embrace and enhance their individual beauty. The website of bobbi-brown provides all the beauty products that are offered by the company.
This was a collaborative project of six member to create a clone of bobbi-brown website. This Project was made as a part of construct week curriculum of MASAI School.
Original Website:-
Cloned Website:-
Client: React, Redux, CSS, AntDesign, Javascript
Server: Node, Express, MongoDb
Front-end Deployment: Vercel
Back-end Deployment: Heroku || Render
Get full details of tha backend part:-
- Working Login/ Sighup (Storing data in backend)
- Working Add to cart/ Remove from the cart which will add product to the user account itself (Storing data as per user add/remove the products to the cart)
- Getting cart data after user login (Products that are added previously to the user cart itself)
- Search part working in the backend as well
- Working searchbar (Getting data from the backend)
- Product sorting Working
- Product data page is also working (Getting data from the searchapi/ api & display it to that page)
- Live previews
- Most of the pages are responsive
- Fullscreen mode
- Landing Page
- Cart Page
- Category Page
- Login/Logout Funtionality
- Responsive Design
In this project we tried to make the clone of the bobbibrown website as close to real one by using all the technical skills that we have learned up until now. We tried making it using React, Redux, CSS, AntDesign and Javascript . We have also created the backend part of this website which is use for authentication as well as storing, seaching data of the products , add product, remove products & also get the total sum from the backend. The search keywords is passed to the backend inorder to get keywords related results. Workflow is not the same as original. We tried our best to clone it.