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Flamingo 🦩

Flamingo is a framework to build Telegram bots using .NET as easy as possible!

To what purpose?

As you can see, Flamingo uses Telegram.Bot and Telegram.Bot.Extensions.Polling (Just in case) as dependencies. so by installing this package you have pure packages for telegram bots in .NET.

But this one serves as a Top layer created over TelegramBot library to help you setup your bot in most easiest and also pro way! The very first and important purpose of Flamingo is simplicity, save time and cleaner code when writing telegram bots with .NET

Remember that flamingo is just getting started. it can grows with your support and help (help and support to an almost a large community)

In my turn, i tried to put all my experience here but there are a lot to go. lock into examples and you can examine the advantages of Flamingo ( at least in basic )


Flamingo is available in Nuget

⚠ Please consider this as a beta version yet!

How to use

Below there are some sources you can use

Features ⭐️

Read more about some features of Flamingo


If you're interested to contribute ( as i hope so ) you can take look at Contribute

Please read WIKI

Basic usage

After installing Flamingo through Nuget package manager, you can use it like example below:

1- First of all Create an instance of FlamingoCore class into your program main method

static async Task Main()
    var flamingo = await new FlamingoCore()

2- Now is the time to initialize your bot. in order to do that you need a bot token

(You can make a new bot and get api token for it from @BotFather)

  • bot token is something like: 123443536:Akhkhpoue_DLkhejbdkeaiDHJKFkjbjs_D
  • Use method InitBot to initialize the bot like below:
// Pass your bot token to the method
await flamingo.InitBot("123443536:Akhkhpoue_DLkhejbdkeaiDHJKFkjbjs_D")

Remember, most of this library methods are async. meaning that you should await them and use them in an async function ( like Main() here )

3- Let's make our first handler. handlers are what you handle and process inComing updates the way you like.

  • To quickly build a handler we Use SimpleInComing<T>. where T is update type like messages, callback queries, inline queries and etc.
  • To make handler for incoming messages, The T is Message ( like SimpleInComing<Message> )

4- Every incoming handler has 2 important parts: Filter and Callback function

  • Filters job is obvious: filter incoming updates to receive exact update you want
  • Callback function: this function is where you decide how to process incoming update that passed filters.


Here we use two filters:

  • ChatTypeFilter: to make sure the update is coming from private chat
  • CommandFilter: to handle specified bot command like /start
  • To Combine filters we bitwise operator & Meaning AND!

Your filters should be like below:

var chatFilter = new ChatTypeFilter<Message>(FlamingoChatType.Private);

var commandFilter new CommandFilter("start");

Later we'll combine them!

Callback function

Callback function should take an ICondiment<Message> which contain everything you need to handle your updates, and should return a boolean as Task ( awaitable method )

Method structure should be like this:

private static async Task<bool> CallbackFunc(ICondiment<Message> cdmt)
    await cdmt.ReplyText("Just started!");
    return true;

We decided to reply to use command with a text message: "Just started!".

cdmt.ReplyText() dose that for us. it's an extension method of ICondiment<Message>

5- Now that our filters and callback function is ready, we should pass them to handler instance (3)

var startHandler = new SimpleInComing<Message>(CallbackFunc,
    chatFilter & commandFilter);

As you see we combined two filters with &, meaning both of them should pass!

6- Now add your handler to the Flamingo


7- Start listening to updates

await flamingo.Fly();

Your Program.cs file should be like below:

using Flamingo;
using Flamingo.Condiments;
using Flamingo.Condiments.Extensions;
using Flamingo.Filters.MessageFilters;
using Flamingo.Filters.SharedFilters;
using Flamingo.Fishes.InComingFishes.SimpleInComings;
using Flamingo.Helpers.Types.Enums;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Telegram.Bot.Types;

namespace SimpleFlamingo
    class Program
        static async Task Main()
            var flamingo = new FlamingoCore();

            await flamingo.InitBot("1820608649:AAF_rimZO_y_RlYnTX2WnifXldL1GiIcxt4");

            var chatFilter = new ChatTypeFilter<Message>(FlamingoChatType.Private);

            var commandFilter = new CommandFilter("start");

            var startHandler = new SimpleInComing<Message>(CallbackFunc,
                chatFilter & commandFilter);


            await flamingo.Fly();

        private static async Task<bool> CallbackFunc(ICondiment<Message> cdmt)
            await cdmt.ReplyText("Just started!");
            return true;

8- Send command /start to your bot and see what happens

You can write all of these using Attributes even more quicker

Await-able InComing Handlers

Wait for user respond! Read Wiki

More to go

There are some example projects that may help you for now.

Full explanation example with a lot of comments: FlamingoProduction


Simple Flamingo

An example of how to create a simple Flamingo app + simple Attribute handlers usage:

FillForm Flamingo

See how to use await-able incoming handlers to wait for user answers and fill a sign up form

Extremely advise you to take a look at FillFormHelper example

It has a lot of simplifiers that helps you ask form and validate them!

DeepInside Flamingo

In this example we show you how to go deep inside flamingo and create your own handlers and condiments. so you can use any custom properties in your handlers and even control lifecycle of db objects and etc.

Fun Flamingo

A fun example that only flamingo allows you to build!

DeepLinking Flamingo

Learn how to setup deep linking in your bot

Keyboards Flamingo

Example to work with keyboards


Flamingo is a framework to build Telegram bots using .NET as easy as possible!








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