A collection of miscellaneous functions for data wrangling and predictive modeling.
Try to predict the penguin species.
# Load the library
# Prepare the data
dd <- palmerpenguins::penguins
dd <- dd[complete.cases(dd),]
# Build a model
m <- glm(species == 'Adelie' ~ island + bill_length_mm + flipper_length_mm + body_mass_g,
data = dd, family = binomial)
# Get predictions for each group
preds1 <- predict(m, type = 'response')
# Evaluate performance of the model with the Scaled Brier Score
sbrier(preds1, dd$species == 'Adelie')
# Get confidence interval of estimated Scaled Brier Score
bs_ci(preds1, dd$species == 'Adelie', metric = sbrier)
# Make calibration plot for predictions
results <- data.frame(obs = dd$species == 'Adelie',
model1 = preds1)
calib_plot(obs ~ model1, data = results, cuts = 4)
# Try a second model
m_rf <- randomForest(as.factor(species == 'Adelie') ~ island + bill_length_mm + flipper_length_mm + body_mass_g,
data = dd)
results$model2 <- predict(m_rf, type = 'prob')[,2]
# Examine calibration together
calib_plot(obs ~ model1 + model2, data = results, cuts = 4)
# Estimate the difference in performance between the two models
boot_diff(results$model1, results$model2, results$obs, metric = sbrier)
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- Adds functionality that would be of broad interest without breaking existing interfaces.
- Corrects any errors (syntax, math, or other types of errors) in the current code.
- Maintains clean, concise, easy-to-read, and well documented source good.