C# client for TomTom Geocoding API
- TomTomClient.cs: encapsulates the communication with TomTom geocoding server
- Address.cs: encapsulates an address, used as input and output for TomTomClient
- Program.cs: sample file showing the usage
- create the source address
Address moma = new Address();
moma.Street = "West 53 Street";
moma.Number = "11";
moma.ZIP = "10019";
moma.City = "New York";
moma.State = "NY";
moma.Country = "USA";
- instantiate the TomTom geocoding client
TomTomClient gc = new TomTomClient("YOUR API KEY");
You can obtain your API key at TomTom's Map Toolkit API website.
- geocode the address
var momaLocations = gc.CodeAddress(moma);
You will receive a list of addresses with latitude and longitue, along with additional data provided by TomTom.
See Program.cs for a working samples.
Licensed under MIT license (refer to LICENSE for the license text and more information). Please credit http://www.geocoderpro.com e.g. using a link from your website.
Please contact us at https://www.geocoderpro.com/ if you need help.