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EmileRolley edited this page Nov 7, 2022 · 8 revisions

Nos Gestes Climat logo

Wiki of the Nos Gestes Climat (NGC) website

The official french personal carbon footprint calculator, developed by the Datagir team of The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME).
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This wiki aims to help you navigate inside the documentation related to the NGC's website: For information about the NGC's model itself (simulator questions, underlying computations, emission factors, etc...), please refer to the dedicated wiki or explore the documentation online.

You are a carbon expert

If you are a carbon expert, you should start from the dedicated repo.

You are a developer

If you are a developer and want to contribute, you can look at opened issues and step in directly to the contributing guide.

You are a non-tech user

If you are just curious about the project and want to get involved. You can contribute in non-tech areas such as improving the documentation or the translation.