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Jérémie N'gadi edited this page Aug 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Represents a data reader.

namespace: RageLib.Data

Inheritance Hierarchy


public class DataReader


prototype description
method DataReader (Stream stream, Endianess endianess=Endianess.LittleEndian) Initializes a new data reader for the specified stream.


name description
property Endianess Gets or sets the endianess of the underlying stream.
property Length Gets the length of the underlying stream.
property Position Gets or sets the position within the underlying stream.


prototype description
method byte ReadByte() Reads a byte.
method [] ReadBytes(int count) Reads a sequence of bytes.
method double ReadDouble() Reads a double precision floating point value.
method short ReadInt16() Reads a signed 16-bit value.
method int ReadInt32() Reads a signed 32-bit value.
method long ReadInt64() Reads a signed 64-bit value.
method float ReadSingle() Reads a single precision floating point value.
method string ReadString() Reads a string.
method ushort ReadUInt16() Reads an unsigned 16-bit value.
method uint ReadUInt32() Reads an unsigned 32-bit value.
method ulong ReadUInt64() Reads an unsigned 64-bit value.


name description
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