A mobile application where users can rent out their own cars or others' cars for a certain period of time, built using React Native, Redux, Node.js (Express), MongoDB and Mongoose. This was built for the Hack the 6ix 2022 hackathon and was awarded as a Top 8 finalist and the Most Creative Use of Twilio prize.
To run, clone the repository and do the following on your terminal:
cd frontend
npm install
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
npm start
Then go into the backend:
cd backend
npm install
npm backend
Then go back into the frontend directory:
For IOS:
npm run ios
For Android:
npm run android
To enable connecting to MongoDB database and use backend APIs through Axios, confidential MONGODB_URI with username and password is needed.
When calling the APIs from backend server, ip address should be replaced by one's own ip address to succesfully get the response.