Welcome to the BSC NFT Minting App – your gateway to creating and minting unique digital assets on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet. This innovative application harnesses the power of Solidity, Ethers, Hardhat, and Metamask to bring the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the decentralized realm of Binance Smart Chain.
Empower Your Creativity: Express your creativity by minting your own NFTs. Showcase your digital art, collectibles, and more in the exciting world of blockchain-powered digital ownership.
Effortless Minting: With a user-friendly interface and robust tools, minting NFTs has never been easier. Thanks to the integration of Solidity, Ethers, and Hardhat, you'll experience seamless and secure NFT creation.
Binance Smart Chain Integration: Leverage the speed and low fees of the Binance Smart Chain Testnet. Minting NFTs becomes not only engaging but also cost-effective, making it perfect for artists, developers, and enthusiasts alike.
Solidity-Powered: Our application is built on the powerful Solidity language, ensuring compatibility and security for your NFTs.
Ethers and Hardhat: Utilize Ethers.js and Hardhat for smooth interactions with the Binance Smart Chain, making minting a breeze.
Metamask Integration: Seamlessly connect your Metamask wallet to interact with the app and mint your NFTs with just a few clicks.
BSC Testnet: Mint on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet first to ensure your creations are perfect before diving into the mainnet.
User-Friendly UI: Our intuitive user interface guides you through the minting process step by step, even if you're new to blockchain development.
- Next.js: A popular React framework for building server-rendered and static websites.
- Chainlink Contracts: A library for interacting with Chainlink oracle contracts.
- Hardhat Toolbox: A set of helpful tools and plugins for the Hardhat Ethereum development environment.
- TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript, used for strong type-checking.
- Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React DOM: A package for managing React components in the DOM.
- React Toastify: A library for adding toast notifications to React applications.
- Ethers: A library for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized applications.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs with minimal styles.
- Solidity Coverage: A tool for generating code coverage reports for Solidity smart contracts.
- Etherscan: A Hardhat plugin for verifying and deploying contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
- Hardhat: A development environment for Ethereum that helps you write, test, and deploy smart contracts.
- Husky: A tool for adding pre-commit hooks and other Git hooks.
- Prettier: A code formatting tool to maintain consistent code style.
- Eslint: A tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
- Next.js Eslint: Eslint configuration for Next.js projects.
- Typechain: A TypeScript bindings generator for Ethereum smart contracts.
- TypeScript Chai Matchers: Chai matchers for asserting Ethereum contract state.
- Typechain Hardhat Plugin: A Hardhat plugin for generating TypeScript bindings.
- Ethertypes-v5: Typechain plugin for generating TypeScript bindings for ethers-v5.
- TypeScript Chai Matchers: Chai matchers for asserting Ethereum contract state.
- TypeScript Mocha: TypeScript typings for Mocha, a JavaScript test framework.
- Cross-Env: A tool for setting environment variables cross-platform.
- Env-cmd: A tool for executing commands using environment-specific variables.
- Autoprefixer: A PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes.
- PostCSS: A tool for transforming styles with JavaScript plugins.
- Commitlint: A tool for linting commit messages based on conventional commits.
- Hardhat Network Helpers: Hardhat plugin for managing accounts and network configuration.
- Next.js Prettier: Prettier configuration for Next.js projects.
- Next.js TailwindCSS: Integration of Tailwind CSS with Next.js projects.
- TypeScript TailwindCSS: Integration of Tailwind CSS with TypeScript projects.
- Installation
- Setup
- Usage
- 3.1 Connecting Wallet
- 3.2 Minting NFTs
- 3.3 Viewing Minted NFTs
- Troubleshooting
This guide will walk you through the installation, setup, and usage of the application, which allows users to mint NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet. Please follow the instructions below to get started.
To install the Next.js NFT Minting Application, please follow these steps:
Clone the repository from GitHub:
Navigate to the project directory:
Install the dependencies using npm:
npm install
To set up the Next.js NFT Minting Application, please ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- MetaMask wallet extension installed on your browser
- A Binance Smart Chain Testnet wallet with test BNB tokens
Follow these steps to set up the application:
- Signup for an account on Pianata
- Go to api keys
- Click generate new key
- Toggle Admin Keys have access to all endpoints and account settings
- Click create key
- Copy the key and the secret key
- In the project root directory create a
environment variable file for the application to run in dev environment
environment variable file for the application to run in production environment
- Create 2 Environment variables
Create these 2 environment variables in both the environment files we created before
Run CORS Disabled browser by typing this command in terminal
open -n -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_test" --disable-web-security
FOR WINDOWS: Just do follow steps:
Right click on desktop, add new shortcut Add the target as
"[PATH_TO_CHROME]\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\chromeTemp
Click OK.
- To start the application locally and run in development mode run this
npm run dev
(Steps 12 and 13 are to check how it works and behaves when ran in production mode and would be used when we are deploying this application but for now Step 11 will help you run the application locally)
- To start the application in production environment
First run
npm run build
- To start application in production mode Then to start the application run this. (To checkout how it works and behaves when ran in production mode)
npm run start
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
Make sure you run your application in the cors disabled browser.
To connect your MetaMask wallet to the Binance Smart Chain Testnet, follow these steps:
- Click on the "Connect Wallet" button in the navbar
- MetaMask will prompt you to connect. Select your MetaMask wallet and authorize the connection to the Binance Smart Chain Testnet network.
see here the details to connect: https://docs.bnbchain.org/docs/remix-new/#configure-metamask-and-fund-your-account
ChainID: 97
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer: https://testnet.bscscan.com
RPC Urls of testnet
To mint NFTs using the Next.js NFT Minting Application, proceed as follows:
- Ensure your wallet is connected to the Binance Smart Chain Testnet (see section 3.1).
- Fill in the required details for the NFT, such as name, description, and url of asset.
- Click on the "Mint NFT" button to initiate the minting process.
- Confirm the transaction in your MetaMask wallet.
To view the NFTs you have minted from your connected wallet, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the homepage of the Next.js NFT Minting Application.
- The minted NFTs associated with your connected wallet will be displayed on the page.
In case you are not able to immediately see the updated NFTS please reload the page.
In case you are not able see your minted NFTS it is because PINATA starts to give CORS Error if we request to often. So wait for few minutes and then try again.
If you encounter any issues or errors while using the Next.js NFT Minting Application, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure you are connected to the Binance Smart Chain Testnet in your MetaMask wallet.
- Verify that you have sufficient test BNB tokens to cover the minting fee.
- Clear your browser cache and reload the application.
Get testnet BNB (needed to deploy smart contracts on bsc) https://discord.com/invite/bnbchain
Navigate to the discord link and in that type !faucet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS
You will get the test BNB then.