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ConfigGen v1 compatibility

Rob Levine edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

This page details which ConfigGen v1 features are supported in ConfigGen v2.


Feature Sub-feature Supported Notes
Console app basic console runner YES as of v2.0.5-beta
- --error-on-warnings YES as of v2.0.5-beta
- --error-on-file-changed YES as of v2.0.20-beta
- --flat-output NO planned
- --output-directory YES as of v2.0.7-beta
- --machine-suffix NO planned
- --inhibit-write YES as of v2.0.20-beta
- --write-unchanged NO planned
NAnt build task - NO no support planned


Feature Sub-feature Supported Notes
.xml file support - YES as of v2.0.5-beta
.csv file support - YES as of v2.0.5-beta
.xls / .xlsx file support - YES as of v2.0.5-beta
Filtering --local-only YES as of v2.0.5-beta
- --generate-specified-only YES as of v2.0.5-beta
- --filter-machines-regex YES as of v2.0.5-beta


Feature Sub-feature Supported Notes
.xml file support basic templating YES -
- applyWhen attribute YES -
- Apply When/ElseWhen/Else elements YES -
- RemoveAttributeFromParent element NO planned
- --pretty-print YES as of v2.0.5-beta
- --remove-root-element NO planned
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