ab00db2 Merge pull request #17 from inexio/dev
055c76d removed ip flag lookup
53c57ca Added server check to client and api
056aaea Added read and check linux server
ba32890 Test data for aristaeos changed
6739b56 New device classes added
0e9229d Removed remaining ip flag in README.md
8fa0505 Merge pull request #15 from inexio/dev
70e7a83 Merge branch 'main' into dev
6c4dd14 ignoreOnMismatch for map operator
d435b15 Added rounding to division
3ead31d fixed interface normalization
cb6661a Changed multiply and added divide to yaml
841c42c refactor value package
67a9d1a usage fix
b8882da improved logging & cli style
3ffb3e7 simplified logging
47615fb bumped echo to latest version
e8e117c removed ip as a flag, now an argument support for hostnames snmpbulkwalk fallback to normal snmpwalk
3f23cef Added linux device class
ffa1e29 remove vet in git workflow lint (no go1.16 support)
48dd3b0 vfsgen -> go embed
0d0378d Merge pull request #14 from inexio/dev
f5163f1 switched ifType of certain ekinops interfaces to "fibreChannel"
f83d565 ekinops interface normalization
e74bde0 Merge pull request #13 from inexio/dev
b0056b2 fixed ci & style
15fe4e0 added oper and adminstatus to interface metrics
51500cc Merge pull request #12 from inexio/dev
09d238e Changed Ekinops metrics
b1940f6 Merge pull request #11 from inexio/dev
2e027b8 Renamed ekinops interface tags
ad3ce4f Changed wrapf format type
47d8be5 improve errors
3f4a96d ekinops opm8 ignore -95
5cffe41 ekinops check interface-metrics (optical interfaces)
c1b3d45 ekinops read interfaces (optical interfaces)
9116658 device files standardized
3130137 Merge pull request #10 from inexio/dev
ddf5bda update test data files
5ad5961 add ifType to check interface-metrics print-interfaces output
11dfdd1 identify ekinops
8262690 Merge pull request #9 from inexio/dev
146d7f6 update read/check sbc