lita-insight is a handler plugin for Lita that lists CloudInsight vulnerabilities.
This project has not been packaged as a gem, but that doesn't mean you can't use it.
- Start the lita development environment.
- Clone the repository into your newly generated project. lita-insight
- Bundle and Start lita
bundle install
bundle exec lita
(string) - The username for your cloudinsight account
(string) - The password for your cloudinsight account
add the following
Lita.configure do |config|
config.handlers.insight.username = ""
config.handlers.insight.password = "your_password"
List All Vulnerabilites
Lita: vulnerabilities
Modify the config.yml file with your credentials. The specs use the config.username
and config.password
from that file within the Insight class.
bundle exec rspec spec
When creating a new handler using the generator, I ran into an issue. The resolution was that git needed to be installed.
sudo su -
apt-get install git
apt-get install vim
When starting the slackbot from the main project (not the lita-insight handler), make sure you add the lita-slack and lita-insight gems in the Gemfile
gem 'lita-slack'
gem "lita-insight", "0.1.0", :path => "/home/lita/workspace/lita-insight"
Depending the number of vulnerabilites you have, you may exceed the maximum safe payload defined by slack. In that case an error will arise: /home/lita/.gems/gems/lita-slack-1.5.0/lib/lita/adapters/slack/rtm_connection.rb:106:in
safe_payload_for': Cannot send payload greater than 16000 bytes. (ArgumentError) ` Limit your output.