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Infinispan Operator

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The Infinispan Operator is the official Kubernetes operator for managing Infinispan clusters. It automates the deployment, scaling, and lifecycle management of Infinispan instances using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). With the Infinispan Operator, users can easily create, configure, and monitor Infinispan distributed in-memory database in a Kubernetes environment, ensuring high availability and resilience for their applications.

System Requirements

Usage Documentation

For details on how to use the operator, please read the official Infinispan Operator documentation.

Developer Guide

This guide is intended for developers who wish to build and contribute to the Operator.


A Kubernetes cluster is necessary to develop and run the Operator. You can use KIND to get a local cluster for testing, or run against a remote cluster.

Note: Your controller will automatically use the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info shows).

Setting a Local Kubernetes Cluster using Docker and Kind

In the scripts folder, you will find scripts to create a local KIND cluster backed by a local Docker repository and integrated with the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

First run


Then install cert-manager on it:

make deploy-cert-manager

Podman and Podman Desktop

If you are using Windows or Mac, you can use Podman and Podman Desktop as alternative tools to create a local Kubernetes cluster for development purposes, allowing you to set up a Kind, Microshift, or OpenShift Kubernetes cluster.


We utilise Skaffold to drive CI/CD, so you will need to download the latest binary in order to follow the steps below.


Build the Operator image and deploy it to a cluster:

skaffold dev

The dev command will make the process follow the logs produced by the remote process. Exiting from the process, the image will be undeployed from the cluster. See more on Skaffold Documentation.

Changes to the local **/*.go files will result in the image being rebuilt and the Operator deployment updated.


Unit Tests

Run all the unit tests by calling:

make test

Integration Tests

The different categories of integration tests can be executed with the following commands:

  • make infinispan-test
  • make cache-test
  • make batch-test
  • make multinamespace-test
  • make backuprestore-test

The target cluster should be specified by exporting or explicitly providing KUBECONFIG, e.g. make infinispan-test KUBECONFIG=/path/to/admin.kubeconfig.

Env Variables

The following variables can be exported or provided as part of the make *test call.

Variable Purpose
TEST_NAME Specify a single test to run
TESTING_NAMESPACE Specify the namespace/project for running test
RUN_LOCAL_OPERATOR Specify whether run operator locally or use the predefined installation
EXPOSE_SERVICE_TYPE Specify expose service type. NodePort | LoadBalancer | Route.
EXPOSE_SERVICE_HOST Specify the service host. Useful to pass localhost.
PARALLEL_COUNT Specify parallel test running count. Default is one, i.e. no parallel tests enabled.

The following command runs a single integration test called TestBaseFunctionality:

 make infinispan-test TEST_NAME=TestBaseFunctionality


Cross-Site tests require you to create two k8s Kind clusters or utilize already prepared OKD clusters:

$ source scripts/ci/ $KIND_VERSION $METALLB_VERSION

To test locally in running Kind clusters, run:

$ go test -v ./test/e2e/xsite/ -timeout 30m

Arm Support

In order to test on ARM machines locally, it's necessary for a few changes to be made.

  1. scripts/ci/ needs to be executed with the following env variables:
KINDEST_NODE_VERSION="v1.28.7" # Must be >= 1.28.x to ensure ARM support works as expected
  1. When executing make infinispan-test, set TEST_NGINX_IMAGE="nginx" so a multi-arch nginx container is used.


Build the Operator image with dlv so that a remote debugger can be attached to the Operator deployment from your IDE.

skaffold debug


Build the Operator image and deploy to a cluster:

skaffold run

The run command returns immediately after the deploy. The image won't be undeployed from the cluster. See more on Skaffold Documentation.

Remote Repositories

The skaffold dev|debug|run commands can all be used on a remote k8s instance, as long as the built images are accessible on the cluster. To build and push the operator images to a remote repository, add the --default-repo option, for example:

skaffold run --default-repo <remote_repo>

OLM Bundle

The OLM bundle manifests are created by executing make bundle VERSION=<latest-version>.

This will create a bundle/ dir in your local repository containing the bundle metadata and manifests, as well as a bundle.Dockerfile for generating the image.

The bundle image can be created and pushed to a repository with:

make bundle-build bundle-push VERSION=<latest-version> IMG=<operator-image> BUNDLE_IMG=<bundle-image>

Operator Version

The next version of the Operator to be released is stored in the ./version.txt file at the root of the project. The contents of this file are used to control the generation of documentation and other resources. Update this file after each Operator release.

Add a new Infinispan Operand

  1. Call the "Add Operand" GitHub Action


Follow these steps to release the Infinispan Operator:

  1. Tag the release git tag <x.y.z> and push to GitHub
  2. Create and push the multi-arch image using the created tag via the "Image Release" GitHub Action
  3. Remove the old bundle from local rm -rf bundle
  4. Create OLM bundle make bundle VERSION=<x.y.z> CHANNELS=stable DEFAULT_CHANNEL=stable<x.y.z>.Final
  5. Copy contents of bundle/ and issue PRs to:
  6. Once PR in 5 has been merged and Operator has been released to OperatorHub, update the "replaces" field in config/manifests/bases/infinispan-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml to replaces: infinispan-operator.v<x.y.z>
  7. Update the version.txt file to the next release version
  8. Update scripts/ci/ VERSION field to the next release version
  9. Update scripts/ to include the just released version in BUNDLE_IMGS and the next release version in the update graph
  10. Commit changes with appropriate commit message, e.g "Next Version <x.y.z>"