A small symfony project made to answer questions from customers. The goal was to make a site where a agent can answer customers question's while also changing their priority depending on the situation. This is my first small project in Symfony 4.2.12.
- Doctrine
- Composer
- Twig
- Able to login & register
- Has separate dashboards for specific users
- Posting of tickets/questions
- Chat like UI when answering and asking questions
- Changing of priority
- Has a status to see what is happening (open, in progress, closed)
/ - To be implemented -/
- Admin dashboard to remove agents or customers
- Remove questions/tickets via a button
- Page to view all users registered
- Set time event when a question/ticket is closed to be re-opened before 1 hour has passed (if the customer demands).
- Page to change a normal user to a agent or second-line agent.
Customer dashboard with questions.
Customer dashboard with the newly asked question