Follow the commit history of this project to learn how to build a yeoman angular cordova app.
You may need to run some of the following to get all the dependencies for this application
- npm install -g grunt-cli bower cordova
For ios development you will need the following
- npm install -g ios-deploy
- npm install -g ios-sim
For android development you will need
- brew install android
- android
- download packages and set up an android device for emulation
- npm install
- grunt
grunt cordovacli:runAndroid
grunt cordovacli:emulateIos
grunt cordovacli:runIos
This repo is meant to demo material design application patterns on a mobile device and a browser. You can also build an application of your own using this repository as the backbone. One suggested workflow for this would be:
Fork this repository
- alternately, duplicate this repository and add this repo as an upstream ref
Modify the section of Gruntfile.js that looks like this:
var customConfig = { // The following variables can be customized for an application that forks this repo appName: 'YoAngularCordova', appPackage: 'com.sample.YoAngularCordova', plugins: [ '', 'org.apache.cordova.statusbar' ], platforms: ['ios', 'android'], statusBarBackgroundColor: '#388E3C' // Should be the 700 color for your main color };
Specifically, it is important to have a unique appPackage and recommended to have a unique appName. You will also want to replace any references to application name in package.json and bower.json with your application's name.
Modify package.json and bower.json to replace the generic application name "yoangularcordova" with your application's name.
Modify the application scaffolding in app/views/sidenav.html, app/scripts/app.js, and the relevant controllers.
Periodically, you will want to pull any changes made from the upstream repository into your application. Here is a detailed guide on various ways to do that. I'd recommend using:
git rebase upstream/master
to replay your application's changes onto the template.
If you make any core functionality changes or improvements to the app that you believe others would benefit from, I recommend forking the repo and making a pull request into the original so that others may benefit from it.
- /app -
- /scripts
- app.js - contains the basic angular application, angular modules loaded, routing information, theme and configuration
- rootScope.js - contains any functions or variables bound to rootScope (in general this should be avoided and these should be isolated to services
- /controllers
- global.js - contains the controller for the global application, controlling behavior that is shared across application panes (i.e. search, sidenav, toasts)
- main.js - contains the controller for the main landing page
- about.js - contains the controller for the about page
- /directives
- scrolltotoponnavclick.js - contains a directive for instructing a scrollable html container to scroll to top when a "NavClicked" event is emitted on rootScope
- /styles - contains css (this will all be merged and minified when you build the app)
- /views - contains all the application panes and module html
- /images - contains any images used in the application itself
- /scripts
- /docs - contains any images or extra data needed for the README documentation
- /test - contains karma tests for your angular application
- package.json - contains the node dependencies
- .bower.json - contains the bower dependencies
- Gruntfile.js - contains the build process for this application
Additions to the app can be made with the standard yeoman generator-angular
commands. For example, a new route, tab, and controller can be added with the command yo angular:route myroute
- node_modules - node modules - these are generated by npm install
- bower_components - bower dependencies - these are generated by grunt
- dist - the generated application
- cordova - the generated cordova mobile applications for ios and android