Manages the composer metadata repository for the custom and internal packages used for inGenerator projects.
The project uses satis to update each package's metadata and build a static package archive site that can be used by end-users to track versions.
It uses to dynamically build a satis.json from two distinct config files:
If the package to be used is simple, doesn't have its own composer.json, and is in a
git repo with properly-structured branches and version tags, add the reference to
the package and any default composer.json fields to [satisfy-packagelist.json].
At build time, satisfy will update the list of available versions, merge with the
defalt config, and output a package
entry for each distinct published version.
Pros: Ensures newly tagged versions appear immediately in the repository
Cons: Risk of broken packages if a new release has dependencies, autoloader changes or other ways in which it needs a different package definition for different versions.
If the package has its own composer.json, but isn't published in packagist (or
you don't want to use the packagist version - eg we want to use a fork) then
add to this file as a vcs
If it is missing a composer.json, and doesn't follow standard version tagging,
then add a package
entry for each version of the package you want to publish.
This is the bit that satisfy will take care of automatically (see above) if the
package definition is simple.
To update the package metadata run /path/to/web/dir
/path/to/web/dir is either an http document root or a directory you subsequently
sync to your favourite static file hosting service.