The goal of TokenBundle is to provide a means to validate actions taken by users.
The validation is achieved by using a hash, which could, for example, be embedded in a URL, be it in an email or a link generated on-the-spot inside a page.
"require": {
"innobyte/token-bundle": "~1.1",
Add the following line into $bundles
new Innobyte\TokenBundle\InnobyteTokenBundle(),
Add the mapping for the bundle under an entity manager (here "local"). Note: "default" is the default name for the Entity Manager, if not specified otherwise.
InnobyteTokenBundle: ~
Add the entity manager name (here "local") - the one you put the mapping under in the above step. If none is provided, "default" will be used. Note: this must be specified only if the entity manager name is different than "default". Otherwise, this step can be omitted entirely.
entity_manager: local
First, run app/console doctrine:schema:update --em=default --dump-sql
to see the generated SQL.
Then, run app/console doctrine:schema:update --em=default --force
to run the query on the Database.
$token = $this->get('innobyte_token')->generate(
123, // owner_id
1, // number of uses - optional
new \DateTime('+1 day'), // expiry time - optional
array('author' => 'admin') // additional data to check against - optional
// use hash (embed in a link/email etc.)
$hash = $token->getHash();
try {
123 // owner_id
} catch (\Innobyte\TokenBundle\Exception\TokenNotFoundException $e) {
echo 'cannot find Token';
} catch (\Innobyte\TokenBundle\Exception\TokenInactiveException $e) {
echo 'handle explicit disabled token here';
} catch (\Innobyte\TokenBundle\Exception\TokenConsumedException $e) {
echo 'handle over-used token here';
} catch (\Innobyte\TokenBundle\Exception\TokenExpiredException $e) {
echo 'handle expired token here';
} catch (\Innobyte\TokenBundle\Exception\TokenException $e) {
// or, alternately, you can catch all token-related exceptions
echo 'handle all token-related exceptions';
echo 'Token is valid. Token is valid. Perform logic here.';
$token = $this->get('innobyte_token')->get(
123 // owner_id
// if wrong link or disabled/overused token
if (!$this->get('innobyte_token')->isValid($token)) {
echo 'Handle invalid token here';
// or even more explicit
if (!$token instanceof \Innobyte\TokenBundle\Entity\Token) {
echo 'handle invalid token here';
} else {
// manually mark the usage
try {
} catch (\LogicException $e) {
echo 'cannot consumed Token because it is not managed';
echo 'Token is valid. Perform logic here.';
Similar methods to "consume" are available for invalidation: "invalidate" (disable the token)
try {
123 // owner_id
} catch (\Innobyte\TokenBundle\Exception\TokenNotFoundException $e) {
echo 'Handle Token not found here';
if (!$token instanceof \Innobyte\TokenBundle\Entity\Token) {
echo 'Handle invalid token here';
} else {
try {
} catch (\LogicException $e) {
echo 'Cannot consume Token because it is not managed';
Additional data can be used in validating additional conditions after performing the standard Token validation.
// first, generate the Token
$token = $this->get('innobyte_token')->generate(
123, // owner_id
1, // number of uses - optional
new \DateTime('+1 hour'), // expiry time - optional
array('ip' => $request->getClientIp()) // additional data to check against - optional
// use hash (embed in a link/email etc.)
$hash = $token->getHash();
// then, validate it
$token = $this->get('innobyte_token')->get(
123 // owner_id
// if wrong link or disabled/overused token
if (!$this->get('innobyte_token')->isValid($token)) {
echo 'Handle invalid token here';
// additional validation by IP
$additionalData = $token->getData();
if ($additionalData['ip'] != $request->getClientIp()) {
echo 'Handle invalid token here';
Do not forget to override database credentials in config_test.yml
with the test database ones. Example:
database_port: null
database_name: test_db
database_user: root
database_password: 123
To run the tests, execute:
phpunit -c app/ vendor/innobyte/token-bundle/Innobyte/TokenBundle/Tests/