Dating for trolls.
The frontend repo for a demo given for the lightning talk Feed the Feedback Loop for the Oslo Python Meetup June 2019.
First thing you need to do is to make sure you have JDK 11 installed.
Second thing you will need is shadow-cljs.
Crash course freely available here. You also have Clojurescript Unraveled which focuses exclusively on Clojurescript.
Emacs is not recommended to learn in addition to learning Clojure, but you will want to have an editor that understands s-expressions, so that you can do this.
Editors you can choose from:
Clojurescript typically uses a set of libraries instead of a big framework. Each library normally has one role and one role alone to fill.
- Clojurescript
- hiccup (Slight lie, as it's reagent, but the HTML rendering of reagent uses the same syntax, so it's easier to read about it here)
- reagent (The wrapper around react)
- re-frame (Organizes the code and handles side effects)
- re-com (Re-usable components built on top of re-frame)
These are done in terminals.
Install all NPM deps
npm install
Start the build tool (shadow-cljs). This command automatically launches a watcher, compiler, web server to browse to, live reload and an nREPL.
shadow-cljs watch :app
Surf to server being run by shadow-cljs
Connect to the started nREPL (will be printed out in the terminal where shadow-cljs is running) and in the repl type
(shadow/repl :app)
This will connect you to the REPL shadow-cljs is running for you for the browser.
Copyright © 2019 inonit
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.