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Workflow to run and evaluate clustering of ASV sequences into OTUs

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Sub-project aimed at benchmarking clustering software for ASV sequences

Software Reference Code
SWARM Mahé et al 2014 GitHub
OptiClust Westcott & Schloss 2017 GitHub
dbOTU3 Olesen et al 2017 GitHub
LuLu Guldberg et al 2017 GitHub


Use conda to install the base environment needed to run the workflow:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the environment:

conda activate ASV-clustering

Note Make sure mamba is installed in your base environment by running conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba.

Install specific conda environments for the tools:

snakemake --profile test --conda-create-envs-only

Note If you are using a Mac with the new M-chips you will need to prepend the snakemake command above with CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 to be able to install the required environments, like so CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 snakemake --profile test --conda-create-envs-only.

Running the workflow

There are several parameters that can be set for the different tools, but the minimum required information needed is rundir: which should be the name of a subdirectory under data/ that should contain:

  1. a file asv_seqs.fasta which should be a fasta file with sequences for ASVs,
  2. a file asv_counts.tsv which should be a tab-separated file with ASV ids as rows and sample names as columns giving the counts of ASVs in the different samples.
  3. a file asv_taxa.tsv which should be a tab-separated file with taxonomic assignments for ASVs

Note The first column in the asv_counts.tsv file must be named 'ASV_ID'.

Note that the asv_taxa.tsv file should have ranks in the header that match with the configuration settings for split_rank and evaluation_rank (Family and Species by default, respectively).

As an example, with the subdirectory project1 under data/ like so:

├── project1
│ ├── asv_counts.tsv
│ ├── asv_seqs.fasta
│ ├── asv_taxa.tsv

you should set rundir: project1. This can be done either in a configuration file in YAML format:

rundir: project1

which you then point to with --configfile <your-config-file>.yml in the snakemake call. Or you can set it directly with --config rundir=project1 when you start the workflow.

Test run

You can try the workflow out by running it on a small test dataset under data/test/. To do so, simply run:

snakemake --profile test

Workflow overview

The idea with this workflow is to make it easy to run OTU clustering with many different parameter settings then evaluate which settings you think works best for your data. vsearch makes up the basis of the workflow by creating pairwise alignments of the sequences (often the most time-consuming step) and several clustering runs can then be executed without having to re-create the alignments for each run.

0. Chimera detection (optional)

The workflow supports optional chimera removal using the uchime algorithm implemented in vsearch. Chimera detection can be run either in 'batchwise' mode using the data under rundir directly or in 'samplewise' mode in which the asv_counts.tsv file is used to generate sample-specific fasta files containing sequences with a count > 0 in each sample. Sequences identified as non-chimeric are then passed downstream in the workflow and used as input for clustering.

Parameters for chimera detection and filtering

Config parameters for the chimera removal part of the workflow are nested under chimera: in the config file and below are the default values.

  run_name: "chimera1"
  remove_chimeras: True
  method: "samplewise"
  algorithm: "uchime_denovo"
  min_samples_shared: 1
  min_frac_samples_shared: 0.5
  min_chimeric_samples: 0
  dn: 1.4
  mindiffs: 3
  mindiv: 0.8
  minh: 0.28
  • run_name: this parameter allows you to define different runs of the chimera filtering. A fasta file with non-chimeric sequences will be produced under results/chimera/<rundir>/filterred/<run_name>/<method>.<algorithm>/nonchimeras.fasta.
  • remove_chimeras: set this to False to skip chimera filtering
  • method: run chimera detection in batchwise or samplewise mode.
  • algorithm: select between uchime_denovo, uchime2_denovo or uchime3_denovo. The latter two require perfect matches between the ASV sequence and a chimeric model, whereas 'uchime_denovo' does not.
  • min_samples_shared: in batchwise mode, chimeric ASVs have to be present with their 'parents' (see Uchime docs) in min_samples_shared number of samples in order to be filtered as chimeric.
  • min_frac_samples_shared: similar to min_samples_shared, but instead of an absolute number require that sequences are present with their parents in a fraction of the samples
  • min_chimeric_samples: in samplewise mode, chimeric ASVs have to be marked as chimeras in min_chimeric_samples number of samples in order to be filtered as chimeric. Setting this value to 0 (the default) means that sequences have to be marked as chimeric in all samples where they are present in order to be filtered as chimeric.

The dn, mindiffs, mindiv and minh parameters are specific to how the chimeric score of sequences is calculated. Please see the Uchime docs for details.

In all algorithms ASV sequences are first aligned to other ASVs that are above a certain abundance threshold. This so called abundance skew threshold is by default set to 2.0 for the 'uchime_denovo' and 'uchime2_denovo' algorithms and to 16.0 for 'uchime3_denovo'. However, this value can be overridden by explicitly setting abskew in the config file under chimera:, e.g.:

The run_name parameter nested under chimera: in the config file controls the output structure of the chimeric filtering part of the workflow and influences input to downstream rules. Changing this value allows you to tune the chimeric detection without rerunning unnecessary jobs.

For example:

Say you have input data under data/project1/ with counts of ASVs in two samples sample1 and sample2. Then the rundir config parameter should be set to project1.

Now say you want to run chimera detection using the batchwise method and the uchime_denovo algorithm. Then you should set:

  remove_chimeras: True
  method: "batchwise"
  algorithm: "uchime_denovo"

in your config file. In addition, setting the run_name under chimera in your config file gives the chimera detection with this set of parameters a name:

  remove_chimeras: True
  method: "batchwise"
  algorithm: "uchime_denovo"
  run_name: "chimera1"


snakemake --profile local --configfile <yourconfig.yaml> -c 1 chimera_filtering 

will generate:

├── batchwise.uchime_denovo
│   └── uchimeout.txt
└── filtered
    └── chimera1
        └── batchwise.uchime_denovo
            ├── chimeras.fasta
            ├── nonchimeras.fasta
            └── uchimeout.tsv

This means that the main output from chimera detection (with vsearch) using the minh, mindiffs and mindiv defined in the config file are placed under results/chimera/project1/batchwise.uchime_denovo/. The uchimeout.txt file in this folder is then used to filter chimeras with the min_samples_shared and min_frac_samples_shared values set in the same config file, resulting in the chimeras.fasta and nonchimeras.fasta files under results/chimera/project1/filtered/chimera1/batchwise.uchime_denovo/ folder.

Changing the method parameter to 'samplewise' and rerunning the workflow will trigger a new run of chimera detection, this time on sample-specific fasta files, and result in:

├── batchwise.uchime_denovo
│   └── uchimeout.txt
├── filtered
│   └── chimera1
│       ├── batchwise.uchime_denovo
│       │   ├── chimeras.fasta
│       │   ├── nonchimeras.fasta
│       │   └── uchimeout.tsv
│       └── samplewise.uchime_denovo
│           ├── chimeras.fasta
│           └── nonchimeras.fasta
└── samplewise.uchime_denovo
    └── samples
        ├── sample1
        │   └── uchimeout.txt.gz
        └── sample2
            └── uchimeout.txt.gz

Say that you now want to try chimera detection either with different values of minh, mindiffs or mindiv or requiring that a sequence is only required to be marked as chimeric in a single sample (controlled via the min_chimeric_samples parameter) you can modify these parameters and change the run_name under the chimera config section to e.g. chimera2. Now a rerun of the workflow will only trigger the filtering step to be run again with the updated parameters. The actual vsearch chimera detection is not run again. The resulting output will be:

├── batchwise.uchime_denovo
│   └── uchimeout.txt
├── filtered
│   ├── chimera1
│   │   ├── batchwise.uchime_denovo
│   │   │   ├── chimeras.fasta
│   │   │   ├── nonchimeras.fasta
│   │   │   └── uchimeout.tsv
│   │   └── samplewise.uchime_denovo
│   │       ├── chimeras.fasta
│   │       └── nonchimeras.fasta
│   └── chimera2
│       └── samplewise.uchime_denovo
│           ├── chimeras.fasta
│           └── nonchimeras.fasta
└── samplewise.uchime_denovo
    └── samples
        ├── sample1
        │   └── uchimeout.txt.gz
        └── sample2
            └── uchimeout.txt.gz

**Note that the setting for the run_name under the chimera parameters will carry downstream in the workflow. Disabling chimera detection will

1. Splitting the input

The workflow is set up to split the input data (either raw or chimera filtered) by taxonomic rank family and perform clustering of sequences in each family in parallell. However, the data can be arbitrarily split on any taxonomic rank, configurable via the split_rank config parameter. The workflow will by default run on all unique taxa names at rank split_rank found in the data/{rundir}/asv_taxa.tsv file, and will list the taxa in the file data/{rundir}/{split_rank}.txt. You can create that latter file yourself if you want, which will override the default behaviour and cause the workflow to only run on taxa listed. For example, if you list (one per row) only your families of interest in data/{rundir}/Family.txt then the workflow will only run with sequences belonging to those families. Note that if you do not specify a file with ranks, e.g. Family.txt then the workflow will read the asv_taxa.tsv file, identify taxa at {split_rank} but only output those that have at least one ASV with a total count > 0 in the counts file and that have a sequence in the asv_seqs.fasta file.

Please note that running the chimera filtering on your input data may in the worst case result in taxa with 0 sequences. The workflow cannot take this into account and will fail in downstream steps. As a workaround you can first run the chimera filtering step by using chimera_filtering as a target to snakemake, e.g.:

snakemake --profile local --configfile <yourconfig.yaml> -c 4 chimera_filtering

Then check the resulting nonchimeras.fasta file and if there are taxa that lack any sequences, remove these from the asv_taxa.tsv file.

2. Filtering and formatting

Initially, the counts for each sequence is summed across samples and any potential sequence with a sum of 0 is removed. The filtering step also ensures that the taxonomic and sequence data lines up with no missing sequences in either. If you have set chimera detection to True (see above) then this part of the workflow will use the nonchimeric sequences identified.

3. Aligning

Filtered sequences are then aligned per split_rank (Family by default) using vsearch like so:

vsearch --usearch_global <input> --db <input> --self --userout <output-distance> \
  -userfields query+target+id --maxaccepts 0 --maxrejects 0 --id {} \
  --iddef {params.iddef}  --query_cov {params.query_cov} --threads {threads}

where, params.iddef=1, params.query_cov=0.9 are the default settings (configurable via the config file):

  threads: 10
  id: 0.84
  iddef: "1"
  query_cov: 0.9

4. OTU clustering

When sequences have been aligned and pairwise distances are available the workflow continues with clustering of ASVs into OTUs using the tools listed in config["software"]. By default the tools are:

  • opticlust
  • swarm
  • dbotu3

4.1 opticlust

The opticlust method is implemented in mothur. Here the optimal clustering of sequences is found by iteratively moving sequences between OTU clusters in an attempt to maximize the Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient (MCC) which is a metric that combines True/False positives and negatives. In this context:

  • true positives: are sequences that are within a maximum pairwise distance from each other (defined by the cutoff parameter) and that share an OTU cluster
  • false positives are further in distance than the cutoff and share a cluster,
  • false negatives are within the cutoff but are placed in different clusters, and
  • true negatives are further in distance than the cutoff and are placed in different clusters

Opticlust takes as input a pairwise similarity matrix and a file with sum of counts across samples for each ASV.

4.2 swarm

Swarm clusters sequences using a local linking threshold d (set to 1 by default) which represents the maximum number of differences between two amplicons. The input is a single fasta sequence where the total count of each sequence is suffixed to the sequence ID.

4.3 dbotu3

dbotu3 uses both sequences and their distribution across samples to cluster ASVs into OTUs.

5. Generating OTU tables

While the output from the tools used here differ, the workflow will generate a standardized table called asv_clusters.tsv with ASVs and their corresponding cluster for each combination of tool and taxa. This table has the following format:

ASV cluster
asv1 cluster1
asv2 cluster1
asv3 cluster2

6. Workflow output

Below is an example of the results directory after a typical run of the workflow. Config settings in this example are shown below:

Example config:

rundir: "project1"
run_name: "run1"
split_rank: "Family"
software: ["swarm", "opticlust"]
  run_name: "sw.strict"
  method: "samplewise"
  algorithm: "uchime_denovo"

Vsearch output

Pairwise distance output from vsearch forms the base of the clustering. This is placed under results/vsearch/<rundir>/<chimera_run_name>/<chimera_method>.<chimera_algorithm>/.

`-- samplewise.uchime_denovo
    `-- Family                      
        `-- taxa                             
            |-- Acanthosomatidae
            |   |-- asv_seqs.dist.gz
            |   `-- asv_seqs.dist.reformat.gz

Swarm output

Output files specific to swarm are placed under results/swarm/<rundir>/<chimera_run_name>/<chimera_method>.<chimera_algorithm>/.

`-- samplewise.uchime_denovo                 
    `-- Family                         
        |-- runs                     
        |    -- run1           
        |       |-- asv_reps.counts.tsv 
        |       |-- asv_reps.fasta         
        |       |-- asv_reps.taxonomy.tsv
        |       |-- precision_recall.order.txt
        |       |-- precision_recall.txt     
         -- taxa                       
            |-- Acanthosomatidae 
            |   |-- derep.txt
            |   |-- reformat.fasta.gz
            |   `-- run1             
            |       |-- asv_clusters.tsv
            |       |-- asv_reps.counts.tsv
            |       |-- asv_reps.fasta     
            |       |-- asv_reps.taxonomy.tsv
            |       |-- swarm_table.tsv      
            |       `-- swarm.txt

Opticlust output

`-- samplewise.uchime_denovo                   
    `-- Family                          
        |-- runs                             
        |   `-- run1                          
        |       |-- asv_reps.counts.tsv                                                              
        |       |-- asv_reps.fasta             
        |       |-- asv_reps.taxonomy.tsv                                                            
        |       |-- precision_recall.BOLD_bin.order.txt
        |       |-- precision_recall.BOLD_bin.txt                                                    
        |       |-- precision_recall.order.txt 
        |       `-- precision_recall.txt
        `-- taxa                             
            |-- Acanthosomatidae        
            |   `-- run1                     
            |       |-- asv_clusters.tsv
            |       |-- asv_reps.counts.tsv
            |       |-- asv_reps.fasta
            |       |-- asv_reps.taxonomy.tsv
            |       |-- asv_seqs.opti_mcc.list
            |       |-- asv_seqs.opti_mcc.sensspec 
            |       `-- asv_seqs.opti_mcc.steps

Stats output

The workflow will evaluate the clustering using the taxonomic assignments in data/<rundir>/asv_taxa.tsv as the 'ground truth' and calculate various statistics such as precision/recall, completeness/homogeneity of the clusters. See below under 7. Evaluation for details. By default, the clustering results are evaluated against the 'Species' level in the taxonomic data, but this can be changed with the config parameter evaluation_rank.

`-- samplewise.uchime_denovo
    `-- Family
        `-- runs
            |-- run1.order.tsv
            `-- run1.tsv

The file run1.tsv summarizes the evaluation of all tools used. An example output is shown below:

          clusters species precision recall  homogeneity  completeness ASVs
swarm     14520    10881   0.9699    0.9142  0.9952       0.9746       224562
opticlust 19835    10881   0.9997    0.7333  0.9997       0.9398       224562

This shows that swarm and opticlust generated 14520 and 19835 clusters respectively. The total number of ASVs going into the clustering was 224562 and there were a total of 10881 unique species. Swarm obtained precision and recall of values of 0.9699 and 0.9142, respectively. Opticlust had slightly higher precision but lower recall. This indicates that Opticlust slightly overclustered the input data, which is also seen in the larger number of clusters produced.

Note that when calculating these numbers sequences not assigned to evaluation_rank (Species by default) are ignored, so the total number of ASVs, clusters and species is likely higher.

The file run1.order.tsv contains the same information, but with values calculated for each taxonomic Order.

7. Evaluation

True and false positives, as well as true and false negatives can be evaluated for each clustering results using the taxonomic assignments of ASVs. The evaluation_rank config parameter (default = "Species") determines what to evaluate the clustering against (whatever assignment is given for this rank that is taken as the ground truth for an ASV).

  • Precision is calculated as: precision = TP/(TP + FP)
  • Recall is calculated as: recall = TP/(TP + FN)


  • True positives (TP) is calculated by counting the number of times two ASVs belonging to the same OTU cluster also share the same taxa at evaluation_rank
  • False positives (FP) is calculated as: FP = totalPositives - TP
  • False negatives (FN) is calculated by counting the number of times ASVs that share the same taxa at evaluation_rank are placed into different OTU clusters

The evaluation script used in this workflow begins by calculating the total number of positives from a given dataframe. This is formulated as: totalPositives = N * (N - 1) / 2 where N is the total number of ASVs.



We benchmarked the workflow on the FINBOL database (see the README) using the following parameters:

run name swarm opticlust
default -d 1 --fastidious -b 3 cutoff=0.03
params1 -d 2 -b 0 cutoff=0.01
params2 -d 3 -b 0 cutoff=0.015
params3 -d 4 -b 0 cutoff=0.02
params4 -d 5 -b 0 cutoff=0.025
params5 -d 4 -m 6 -p 3 -b 0 cutoff=0.035
params6 -d 13 -b 0 cutoff=0.04
params7 -d 15 -b 0 cutoff=0.05
params8 -d 17 -b 0 cutoff=0.06
params9 -d 20 -b 0 cutoff=0.07
params10 -d 22 -b 0 cutoff=0.08
params11 -d 23 -b 0 cutoff=0.09
params12 -d 25 -b 0 cutoff=0.1

Our analysis showed that for opticlust the params4 setting (cutoff=0.025) gave the highest precision/recall.

However, when we used this setting on real-world data for >630,000 ASVs in 5000+ samples the results showed a very low recall and a much greater number of clusters than anticipated. Looking more closely at the Lepidoptera order there were ~4,300 clusters but only ~1,400 unique species in the data. We hypothesized that chimeric ASV sequences were causing problems for the clustering algorithms, something we did not observe in the benchmarking because it was done on presumably high-quality non-chimeric sequences.

More references


Workflow to run and evaluate clustering of ASV sequences into OTUs






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