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Iftracer’s Python SDK allows you to easily start monitoring and debugging your LLM execution. Tracing is done in a non-intrusive way, built on top of OpenTelemetry. The repo contains standard OpenTelemetry instrumentations for LLM providers and Vector DBs, as well as a Iftracer SDK that makes it easy to get started with OpenLLMetry, while still outputting standard OpenTelemetry data that can be connected to your observability stack.

Installation Guide

Option 1: Install packages directly from a Git repository directly.

  1. Example with poetry pyproject.toml: Add the github link iftracer-sdk = {git = ""} directly to your package's pyproject.toml under [tool.poetry.dependencies]. Then run poetry install
  2. Example with pip install requirements.txt: pip install git+

Option 2: Download the codes to local. Example with poetry pyproject.toml: Download the iftracer-sdk package to local. Add the local path iftracer-sdk = { path = "/path-to-iftracer-sdk-pkg/iftracer-sdk", develop = true } directly to your package's pyproject.toml under [tool.poetry.dependencies]. Then run poetry install. You can also use other ways like sys.path.

Option 3: (In progress) pip install iftracer-sdk from PyPI

Quick Start Guide

Add the decorators like @workflow, @aworkflow, @task, and @atask over the methods to get the tracing details. Add @workflow or @aworkflow over a function if you want to see more tags in tracing report.

You can copy & paste the following code example to test if the iftracer-sdk is configured properly. Feel free to replace openai by other LLM models like claude or ollama.

def get_gpt4o_mini_completion(messages, model="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=0.7):
    Note: Set your OpenAI API key before using this api

    Function to get a response from the GPT-4o-mini model using the updated OpenAI API.

        messages (list): List of messages (system, user, assistant).
        model (str): The model to use, default is "gpt-4o-mini".
        temperature (float): Controls the randomness of the response.

        str: The model-generated response.
        # Make a request to OpenAI's new Chat Completions API
        response =
            model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature

        # Return the content of the first choice from the response
        return response
    except openai.OpenAIError as e:
        # Catching OpenAI-specific errors
        print(f"OpenAI API error: {e}")
        return None

# Example Usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    openai.api_key = "sk-proj-..."  # Set your OpenAI API key here or export it as environment variable.
    # You need to call Iftracer.init only once to set the environment variables. You can also call Iftracer.init() without any arguments, if you have set the environment variables somewhere else.
        api_endpoint=http://<IF_ENDPOINT>:<PORT> # Contact our devops to get the unique url. 
        ifuser="...", # The value can be found on the first line of [User Account Information]( page.
        iflicenseKey="...", # The value can be found on the 5th line of [User Account Information]( page.
        ifproject="...", # Your project's name. You can fill in any strings.
    messages = [
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
            "role": "user",
            "content": "Can you write a haiku about recursion in programming?",

    response = get_gpt4o_mini_completion(messages)

    if response:
        print("GPT-4o-mini Response:", response)
Successful response example:
GPT-4o-mini Response: ChatCompletion(id='chatcmpl-...', choices=[Choice(finish_reason='stop', index=0, logprobs=None, message=ChatCompletionMessage(content='Functions call themselves,  \nInfinite loops of logic,  \nDepths of thought unfold.', refusal=None, role='assistant', audio=None, function_call=None, tool_calls=None))], created=1733945910, model='gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18', object='chat.completion', service_tier=None, system_fingerprint='...', usage=CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=17, prompt_tokens=28, total_tokens=45, completion_tokens_details=CompletionTokensDetails(accepted_prediction_tokens=0, audio_tokens=0, reasoning_tokens=0, rejected_prediction_tokens=0), prompt_tokens_details=PromptTokensDetails(audio_tokens=0, cached_tokens=0)))

Choosing Between Iftracer Decorators

  1. Use @aworkflow, @atask over an asynchronous function. Use @workflow, @task over a synchronous function.
  2. Use @aworkflow or @workflow when the function calls multiple tasks or workflows and combines their results, when the function is a high-level orchestration of a process, when you need to get more tags, or when you intend to create a logical boundary for a workflow execution. Otherwise, use @atask or @task.

Trace Prompt and Response Content

Sometimes, the tracer can't catch the details of LLM model. For example, response from langchain ainvoke()/invoke() will normally require users to use LLM callback_handler to show more LLM model details like prompt token. iftracer-sdk package provides the function trace_model_response(<Response which you want to get details>) to catch the details and avoid the handler. For example:

def create_joke():
    response = await joke_generator_langchain.ainvoke(
        {"question": prompt},
    trace_model_response(response) # optional. Required if must show LLM model details.
    return response

Step by Step Guide

  1. Register InsightFinder account. After logging in, click on the top-right profile icon: Screenshot from 2024-12-11 17-21-37
  2. Click on the account profile option. You will be redirected to the User Account Information page. On first line, you can find your user name. On 5th line, you can find your license key (not encrypted license key).
  3. Install and import iftracer-sdk to your packages.
  4. In your project's entry file, call Iftracer.init():
        api_endpoint=http://<IF_ENDPOINT>:<PORT>, # Contact our devops to get the unique url.
        ifuser="...", # The value can be found on the first line of [User Account Information]( page.
        iflicenseKey="...", # The value can be found on the 5th line of [User Account Information]( page.
        ifproject="...", # Your project's name. You can fill in any strings.
  1. Above the function you want to trace, add decorators like @aworkflow, @atask, @workflow, @task.
  2. If you are using langchain, you can use trace_model_response on the response returned by ainvoke()/invoke().
  3. Run your program. The tracing data will be received by InsightFinder.
  4. You can find the data in Log Analysis page from Log/Trace Analysis in InsightFinder: Screenshot-from-2024-12-11-17-54-27

Unique features

  1. New Tags: We have extracted additional data from LLM models to tags to assist tracing. For example, we have extracted the LLM model's name, PG vector's embedding model name, and the dataset retrieved by RAG, and so on, to the workflow spans' tags.
  2. Customizable: We can add more tags if you need them. We can adjust the tracers' behaviors based on your needs.
  3. Easy to use: Compared to other tracer packages, we don't require users to create an opentelemetry link. Users can easily use the username, licensekey and api endpoint provided by us to access the service.


  1. Why I can't find the new tags? 1.1. This package won't extract the metadata like prompt token from response if the chain (e.g.: joke_generator_langchain) contains StrOutputParser(). Try to remove StrOutputParser() from the chain and stringify the result later. 1.2. Contact our support team if the issue still persists.

  2. What LLM models does this package support? This iftracer-sdk package utilizes the opentelemetry packages from ifllmetry. It supports LLM models like Claude (anthropic), ChatGPT (openai), ollama, etc.


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