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DDP API python client

This is a python client library for the OAuth2 DDP API. Currently the following services are supported:

  • UserListService
  • UserListClientService


pip install ddpclient


python test


Update the version and dependencies in and then:

python sdist upload


  1. OAuth client ID and OAuth client secret

    DDP API uses OAuth 2.0 for authorization, to authorize the DDP API, you must first create a Client ID and a Client Secret. Visit the Developer Console to create a project and a OAuth client with credentials.

    You will use the client ID and secret to authorize DDP API.

  2. AdWards Client Customer ID

    A unique three-part number that’s assigned to each AdWords account, listed at the top of every page in your account.

    You can set it as an environment variable DDP_CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID. Or you can pass the ID into the Client class constructor (details below).


When installed, the DDP API client provide two command for authorizing your application access to a DDP account.

These commands are provided to help quickly getting access to the DDP API to run the examples. It stores crendentials in a file named .ddp_credentials. If you are using Flask or Django, consider using the oauth2client.contrib.flask_util and oauth2client.contrib.django_util

Generate Authorize URL

The ddp_authorize_url command expect the OAuth client id and client secret as parameter and generate a URL for getting a AuthCode

$ ddp_authorize_url
usage: ddp_authorize_url [client_id client_secret]


The ddp_authorize command expect the OAuth client id, secrete and the AuthCode obtained by using the ddp_authorize_url URL

$ ddp_authorize
usage: ddp_authorize [client_id client_secret auth_code]

Once this is done, a file .ddp_credentials is created and store the resulting redentials. The credentials from this file will be used from then on.


Get UserList example:

from ddpclient import UserListSelector, Client, Auth

credentials = Auth().get_credentials()
api_client = Client(credentials)
selector = UserListSelector(). \
    select_fields('Id', 'Size'). \
    filter_by('Status', 'CLOSED'). \
    order_by('Id', True). \
    at_page(1, 3)
response = api_client.get(selector)

print response

# (UserListPage){
#    totalNumEntries = 108
#    Page.Type = "UserListPage"
#    entries[] =
#       (BasicUserList){
#          id = 978704062
#          isReadOnly = False
#          name = "Name one"
#          size = 0
#          sizeRange = "LESS_THAN_FIVE_HUNDRED"
#          listType = "REMARKETING"
#          UserList.Type = "BasicUserList"
#       },
#       (BasicUserList){
#          id = 178703382
#          isReadOnly = False
#          name = "Name two"
#          size = 0
#          sizeRange = "LESS_THAN_FIVE_HUNDRED"
#          listType = "REMARKETING"
#          UserList.Type = "BasicUserList"
#       },
#       (BasicUserList){
#          id = 138700763
#          isReadOnly = False
#          name = "Name three"
#          size = 0
#          sizeRange = "LESS_THAN_FIVE_HUNDRED"
#          listType = "REMARKETING"
#          UserList.Type = "BasicUserList"
#       },
#  }

Add UserList example:

from ddpclient import UserListSelector, Client, Auth

credentials = Auth().get_credentials()
api_client = Client(credentials)

new_user_list = api_client.create_empty_user_list() = 'TEST'
new_user_list.description = 'TEST Description'
new_user_list.status = 'CLOSED'
new_user_list.integrationCode = '123'
new_user_list.accountUserListStatus = 'INACTIVE'

response = api_client.add(new_user_list)

print response

# (UserListReturnValue){
#    ListReturnValue.Type = "UserListReturnValue"
#    value[] =
#       (BasicUserList){
#          id = 12345678
#          isReadOnly = False
#          name = "TEST"
#          description = "TEST Description"
#          status = "CLOSED"
#          integrationCode = "123"
#          accessReason = "OWNED"
#          accountUserListStatus = "INACTIVE"
#          membershipLifeSpan = 30
#          listType = "REMARKETING"
#          isEligibleForSearch = True
#          isEligibleForDisplay = True
#          UserList.Type = "BasicUserList"
#       },
#  }

Update UserList example:

from ddpclient import UserListSelector, Client, Auth

credentials = Auth().get_credentials()
api_client = Client(credentials)

new_user_list = api_client.create_empty_user_list() = 12345678
new_user_list.description = 'TEST Description'

response = api_client.set(new_user_list)

print response

# (UserListReturnValue){
#    ListReturnValue.Type = "UserListReturnValue"
#    value[] =
#       (BasicUserList){
#          id = 12345678
#          isReadOnly = False
#          name = "TEST Updated Name"
#          description = "TEST Description"
#          status = "CLOSED"
#          integrationCode = "123"
#          accessReason = "OWNED"
#          accountUserListStatus = "INACTIVE"
#          membershipLifeSpan = 30
#          listType = "REMARKETING"
#          isEligibleForSearch = True
#          isEligibleForDisplay = True
#          UserList.Type = "BasicUserList"
#       },
#  }

Remove UserList example:

from ddpclient import UserListSelector, Client, Auth

credentials = Auth().get_credentials()
api_client = Client(credentials)

new_user_list = api_client.create_empty_user_list() = 395803975

response = api_client.remove(new_user_list)

print response

# suds.WebFault: Server raised fault: '[OperatorError.OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED @ operations[0]]'
# Note: UserListService does not support deleting user list, this code servers as example of 'remove' operations



Auth class can be used to generate URL (authorize_url) for user giving authorization:

Auth().authorize_url(client_id, client_secret)

Auth also accept a auth code and obtain credentials after user having visited the above URL and granted the authorization to you application. The credentials object returned will be saved into a storage object.

Auth().authorize(client_id, client_secret, auth_code)

When the authorize method is done, by default Auth save the credentials object ( oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials) into a file (.ddp_credentials) using oauth2client.file.Storage. Once saved, this credential can be retrieved by:

credentials = Auth().get_credentials()

Saving credentials into a file for later retrieval is very simple but does not work for environments like Heroku. You might want to save the credentials object into a database so that the credentials can survive between deployments. The Auth constructor can accept a custom storage object with put and get methods defined. Using custom storage object can save/retrieve credentials object into/from a database, for example.

storage = MyDBStorage()
auth = Auth(storage)

auth.authorize(client_id, client_secret, auth_code)
credentials = auth.get_credentials()


Client manages SOAP services. It requires an oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials object ( most likely retrieved by Auth) to its constructor. Client then use the crendentials details to make SOAP API calls to available services (UserListService and UserListClientService)

A client customer id is also required to set the SOAP header in every request. You can provide it via an environment variable DDP_CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID or pass it explicitly to the constructor.

credentials = Auth().get_credentials()
client_customer_id = '123-123-1234'
api_service = Client(credentials, client_customer_id).user_list_service_soap_client

UserListSelector and UserListClientSelector

These two selector classes are provided to specified entities to retrieve. They share the same interface. Example

from ddpclient import UserListClientSelector, Client, Auth
import datetime

selector = UserListClientSelector(). \
    select_fields('ClientCustomerName', 'UserListId'). \
    filter_by('Status', 'ACTIVE'). \
    order_by('UserListId'). \
    order_by('ClientCustomerName', desc=True). \
    from_date_range(, 1, 1),, 1, 7)). \
    at_page(1, 3)