The universal client library for the PHPStacker Code Stacking Service
Develop your projects in a new manner, faster, nicer, and with greatly reduced error margin!
Code Stacking is the result of perfecting the web application development process.
As software developers, the name of our game is writing the same things over and over again. These things that we rewrite are complicated puzzles that take considerable amounts of time. Once we have completed them, they have to be transferred to the systems intended to run them, prerequisites must be properly met allowing the project to run properly, and then we start all over on another project.
Many things we do have to be done again, and at first we put time into tracking down the last place we did it, copying and pasting it into the new project, and then tweaking it to fill the current need.
As we get better, we realize that in many cases, it takes more time to do all of that than it would to just recreate the component or snippet. Also, every time we do something again, we get better and faster at it. Ultimately we get really good at writing many things. They become second nature, first in some cases.
This only slightly minimizes the amount of time spent, and only if there are no junior developers causing problems in other areas during the project.
Ideally, if we have created something before, we should easily be able to locate, modify, and reuse that exact piece! If we are making something similar, we should be able to replicate the first and change only what is necessary in the second, then click and use. Junior developers in this ideal world would not have the ability to cause problems in anything they did not create as well. This means if someone is in charge of adding something to a page and it breaks everything for whatever reason, you should be able to toggle off the top-level element that person just added and everything should be right back to where they were before they started. This makes the worst case scenario into something manageable: one person just wasted the amount of time they put into whatever it was they were doing.
No longer does the worst case scenario mean you need to pull your best people off of everything they are doing, put them in emergency mode, and have them track down what was done and fix it. As you can tell, the normal worst case scenario is much more unmanageable. Not only do you lose the time spent by the person in err, but also the undetermined amount of time it takes the undetermined amount of people to locate and correct the erroneous code, meanwhile losing their places and thoughts regarding the important work they should be doing and resulting in major project disruptions and setbacks.
PHPStacker addresses all of these issues and more, bringing your development projects happily into the current century!
* PHP 5+
* curl - either PHP (preferred) or command line (fallback)
* mcrypt library for PHP
* jQuery, Bootstrap, & jQuery UI are recommended for your site layout and provided for the editor
* jsTree, CodeMirror, Spectrum ColorPicker, GlyphIcons, Font-Awesome and more are provided for the editor when necessary