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HTTP transport for Integreat

Transporter that lets Integreat send and receive data over http/https. Also contains an authenticator for http specific authentication.

npm Version Maintainability

Getting started


Requires node v18 and Integreat v1.0.

Installing and using

Install from npm:

npm install integreat-transporter-http

Example of use:

import Integreat from 'integreat'
import httpTransporter from 'integreat-transporter-http'
import defs from './config'

const great = Integreat.create(defs, {
  transporters: { http: httpTransporter },

// ... and then dispatch actions as usual

Example source configuration:

  id: 'store',
  transporter: 'http',
  endpoints: [
    { options: { uri: '' } }


Available options for action meta options:

  • uri: The request uri

  • baseUri: Used as a base for the uri, if provided

  • queryParams: An object of query parameters to use for the request. The keys and values of the object will be keys and values in the query string. Value will be forced to strings

  • authAsQuery: When set to true, auth object will be included as query params. Use with care

  • authInData: This signals to the transporter that we will provide the auth in the data of the actions, and so it will not be set in the headers. Default is false

  • headers: An object of key/value pairs use directly as request headers. It will be combined with the headers object on the payload.

  • responseFormat: Controls what format the body data is returned in. base64 will encode the raw body buffer as base64, while string will simply return the body as a string. Default is string

  • timeout: Timeout in milliseconds for the request. Default is 120000

  • incoming: An object with options to define an incoming service. The precense of this object will start an http server, and the properties of the object will define what requests this service will respond to. The following options are available:

    • port: The port to listen on. Default is 8080
    • host: The host to listen on. This is case insensitive. Default is any host
    • path: The path to listen on. This will match anything "below" the path you specify, meaning '/entries' will match '/entries/ent1'. The match is case insensitive. Default is any path
    • sourceService: When this is a string, it will be set as sourceService on the action being dispatched from the listener. Only use this if you want to override the default behaviour of Integreat, that is to set the id of the service as sourceService.
    • challenges: An array of challenge objects, used to form the correct response headers when an incoming request is unauthorized. The objects has the following properties: scheme, realm, and params. The two first are string and are defined by the relevant authentication method, while the last one is an object with key/value pairs that will be added to the header. The default is no challenge.
    • caseSensitivePath: When set to true, the path will keep its original case. Default is false. Note that the default will change in the next major version, so it's good practice to set it explicitly and not rely on the default.

A note on headers: Actions may have an headers object on the payload and the meta.options object. If they are both there, they will be merged, with the payload.headers object taking precedence. Also, if there's no Content-Type header in the action, and this is not a GET request, it will be set based on the If it is a string, the content type will be 'text/plain', otherwise it will be 'application/json'. Finally, the authenticator set for the service may have provided an object of headers, which will override everything else.

Incoming requests

An incoming request will be dispatched as an action. GET and OPTIONS requests will be dispatched as an Integreat GET action, while all other HTTP methods will result in a SET action.

The payload of the action will have the following properties:

  • method: The HTTP method of the incoming request
  • hostname: The lower cased hostname of the incoming request
  • port: The port number of the incoming request
  • path: The path of the incoming request. This will be lower cased as long as the caseSensitivePath option is not true.
  • queryParams: An object of query parameters from the incoming request. Query params are key-value pairs, and the object will have the keys as keys and values as values. All values are strings.
  • contentType: The content type string from the incoming request
  • headers: An object with all the headers from the incoming request. The keys (the header names) are lower cased, and the values are strings or arrays of strings.

HTTP statuses and Integreat statuses

When sending a request, the transporter will map the http status code to an Integreat status code. The mapping is as follows:

  • 400 -> 'badrequest'
  • 401 -> 'noaccess'
  • 403 -> 'noaccess'
  • 404 -> 'notfound'
  • 408 -> 'timeout'
  • Everything else -> 'error'

When listening for incoming requests, the transporter will map the Integreat status code from the response to an http status code. The mapping is as follows:

  • 'ok' -> 200
  • 'noaction' -> 200
  • 'queued' -> 201
  • 'badrequest' -> 400
  • 'autherror' -> 401
  • 'noaccess' -> 403 (or 401 when the reason is 'noauth')
  • 'notfound' -> 404
  • 'timeout' -> 408
  • Everything else -> 500


The included http authenticator verifies Authorization header according to the given options, and responds with an ok response with an ident on the access object, or an error.

Example of use:

import Integreat from 'integreat'
import httpTransporter from 'integreat-transporter-http'
import httpAuthenticator from 'integreat-transporter-http/authenticator.js'
import defs from './config'

const great = Integreat.create(defs, {
  authenticators: { auth: httpAuthenticator }
  transporters: { http: httpTransporter },

// ... and then dispatch actions as usual

The auth options are:

  • type: Only 'Basic' is supported for now, but there will be other options here.
  • key: For "Basic" this is the username to expect from incoming actions.
  • secret: For "Basic" this is the password to expect from incoming actions.

The "Basic" type will compare the key and secret to the Authorization header and use the key as ident id if they match.

Only incoming actions are supported for now.

Running the tests

The tests can be run with npm test.


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This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.