- Large performance improvement in large (N >= 16384) AVX512 NTTs via recursive implementations
- Slight performance improvements in AVX512IFMA NTT
- Slight performance improvements in element-wise modular multiplication
- Implement optimized AVX512DQ NTT for moduli < 32 bits
- Expands public API to include number theory, NTT twiddle factors
- Remove HEXL_DEBUG and HEXL_EXPORT options. The behavior now is to always export the cmake configuration files, and HEXL_DEBUG is enabled iff the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- Added pkgconfig support
Co-Authored-by: @fboemer
Co-Authored-by: @GelilaSeifu
Co-Authored-by: @jlhcrawford
Co-Authored-by: @ajagann