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Intellij Diet Plugin

This plugin is incomplete - do not use until released to the Jetbrains repo

This plugin adds support for Diet templates, you should have the intellij-dlanguage plugin installed as a prerequisite.

What are Diet templates?

Diet templates are HTML templates which are statically compiled down to native D code. Dynamic pages thus have almost no runtime overhead and are often even faster than static pages on disk, because they are just written directly from RAM to the HTTP connection.

The syntax equals that of Pug templates with the exception of some of the advanced syntax features. The main difference is that you write D expressions and statements instead of JavaScript.

A Diet template could like like:

- void css(string file)
	link(rel= 'stylesheet', type='text/css', href='styles/#{file}.css')
doctype html
        // this comment will be in the HTML
        title D statement test
        - css("styles");
            body { background-color: gray; }
        //- this comment will not be in the HTML
        - import std.algorithm : min;
        p#myId Four items ahead:
        - foreach( i; 0 .. 4 )
            - auto num = i+1;
            p Item
                b= num
        p.someClass Prints 8:
        p= min(10, 2*6, 8)
        a(class='btn', href='') Google
            It's easy to add [markdown](
            to your templates.

Supported versions of IntelliJ

Plugin Version IntelliJ Versions
v1 (not yet released) 2018.1.*

Building and running the code

The project uses Gradle with the gradle-intellij-plugin. Simply use the Gradle wrapper in the root of the project to build the plugin using the following:

./gradlew :assemble

You can also use the plugin to boot up a stand alone instance of IntelliJ with the plugin installed using:

./gradlew :runIde


provides Diet Template support for Intellij IDEA






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