method in Command -
feat(history): consider equal commands for linear history
feat(history): histories can consider equal commands
feat(history): standard history has size methods
feat(history): tree history has size methods
fix(history): linear history, setsize had incorrect behavior
fix(code): smells removed
fix(interaction): fixes
in three and four touch data -
chore(ci): removing the jenkins file
chore(deps): updating deps
chore(ts): moving to TS 5.6
refactor(interaction): fsm impl are now hidden from the interaction class declaration
refactor(interaction): reducing the use of DSM handlers
refactor(interaction): removing FSM data handler
refactor(interaction): removing the useless interface
refactor(interaction): simplifying the code of dble clicks and draglock
refactor(interaction): use of the satisfies keyword
refactor(code): various code cleaning operations
Tests cleaned
Tests added: tests for two touch data
docs(readme): readme updated
docs(ts): fix typo