A decentralized web gateway for open academic papers on the Internet Archive
- Names might not be consistent below as it gets edited and code built.
- Please edit to match names in the code as you notice conflicts.
- A lot of this file will be moved into actual code as the skeleton gets built, just leaving summaries here.
- Use Cases
- Classes << You are here
- Data for the project - sqlite etc
- Proposal for meta data - first draft - deleted :-(
- google doc with IPFS integration comments #TODO: Needs revision ot match this.
- google doc with top level overview of Dweb project - best place for links to other resources & docs.
- gateway.dweb.me points at the server - which should be running the "deployed" branch.
- Gitter chat area So for example: curl https://gateway.dweb.me/info
This gateway sits between a decentralized web server running locally (in this case an Go-IPFS server) and the Archive. It will expose a set of services to the server.
The data is stored in a sqlite database that matches DOI's to hashes of the files we know of, and the URLs to retrieve them.
Note its multivalue i.e. a DOI represents an academic paper, which may be present in the archive in various forms and formats. (e.g. PDF, Doc; Final; Preprint).
See [Information flow diagram](./Academic Docs IPFS gateway.pdf)
Especially see main README and Use Cases
Those services will be built from a set of microservices which may or may not be exposed.
All calls to the gateway will come through a server that routes to individual services.
Server URLs have a consistent form /outputformat/namespace/namespace-dependent-string
- outputformat: Extensible format wanted e.g. IPLD or nameresolution
- namespace: is a extensible descripter for name spaces e.g. "doi"
- namespace-dependent-string: is a string, that may contain additional "/" dependent on the namespace.
This is implemented as a pair of steps
- first the name is passed to a class representing the name space, and then the object is passed to a class for the outputformat that can interpret it, and then a "content" method is called to output something for the client.
See HTTPServer for how this is processed in an extensible form.
- HTTP Server: Routes queries to handlers based on first part of the URL, pretty generic (code done, needs pushing)
- Name Resolvers: A group of classes that recognize names and connect to internal resources
- NameResolver: Superclass of each Name resolution class
- NameResolverItem: Superclass to represent a file in a NameResolver
- NameResolverShard: Superclass to represent a shard of a NameResolverItem
- DOIResolver: A NameResolver that knows about DOI's
- DOIResolverFile: A NameResolverItem that knows about files in a DOI
- ContentHash: A NameResolverItem that knows about hashes of content
- GatewayOutput: A group of classes handling converting data for output
- IPLD: Superclass for different ways to build IPFS specific IPLDs
- IPLDfiles: Handles IPLD that contain a list of other files
- IPLDshards: Handles IPLD that contain a list of shards of a single file
- Storage and Retrieval: A group of classes and services that store in DB or disk.
- Hashstore: Superclass for a generic hash store to be built on top of REDIS
- LocationService: A hashstore mapping multihash => location
- ContentStore: Maps multihash <=> bytes. Might be on disk or REDIS
- Services Misc
- Multihash58: Convert hashes to base58 multihash, and SHA content.
### HTTP Server Routes queries to handlers based on the first part of the URL for the output format, that routine will create an object by calling the constructor for the Namespace, and then do whatever is needed to generate the output format (typically calling a method on the created object, or invoking a constructor for that format.)
GET '/outputformat/namespace/namespace_dependent_string?aaa=bbb,ccc=ddd'
details moved to ServerGateway.py
The NameResolver group of classes manage recognizing a name, and connecting it to resources we have at the Archive.
The NameResolver class is superclass of each name resolution, it specifies a set of methods we expect to be able to do on a subclass, and may have default code based on assumptions about the data structure of subclasses.
Logically it can represent one or multiple files.
details moved to NameResolver.py
- Superclass for items that represent multiple files,
- e.g. a directory, or the files that contain a DOI
- Its files() method iterates over them, returning NameResolverFile
- details moved to NameResolver.py
###NameResolverFile superclass
- Superclass for items in a NameResolverDir,
- for example a subclass would be specific PDFs containing a DOI.
- It contains enough information to allow for retrieval of the file e.g. HTTP URL, or server and path. Also can have byterange,
- And meta-data such as date, size
- Its shards() method iterates over the shards stored.
- details moved to NameResolver.py
###NameResolverShard superclass
- Superclass for references to Shards in a NameResolverItem
- Returned by the shards() iterator in NameResovlerItem
- details moved to NameResolver.py
Implements name resolution of the DOI namespace, via a sqlite database (provided by Brian)
(forwarded here by HTTPServer) Resolves a DOI specific name such as 10.nnn/zzzz, -
details moved to DOI.py
Future Project to preload the different stores from the sqlite.
- Subclass of NameResolverFile that holds meta-data from the sqllite database
- details moved to DOI.py
###ContentHash Subclass of NameResolverItem Looks up the multihash in Location Service to find where can be retrieved from.
- details moved to ContentHash.py
The Gateway Output group of classes manage producing derived content for sending back to requesters.
###GatewayOutput superclass Superclass of IPLD. Nothing useful defined here currently, but might be!
Each subclass must implement:
- content(): Return content suitable for returning via the HTTP Server
- contenttype: String suitable for Content-Type HTTP field, e.g. "application/json"
Support streams as a return content type, both here and in server base class.
###IPLD superlass Subclass of GatewayOutput; Superclass for IPLDdir and IPLDshards
This is a format specified by IPFS, see IPLD spec
Note there are two principal variants of IPLD from our perspective, one provides a list of files (like a directory listing), the other provides a list of shards, that together create the desired file.
Note that structurally this is similar, but not identical to the data held in the DOIResolver format. There will be a mapping required especially as the IPLD spec is incomplete and subject to new version which is overdue and probably (Kyle to confirm) doesn't accurately match how IPLDs exist in current IPFS code (based on the various variations I see).
Potential mapping:
- Convert Python dates or ISOStrings into the (undefined) format in IPFS, (its unclear why a standard like ISO wasn't used by IPFS) See IPLD#46
- Possibly replacing links - its unclear in the spec if IPLD wants a string like /ipfs/Q... or just the multhash.
- Possibly removing fields we don't want to expose (e.g. the URL)
- multihash58(): returns the hash of the results of content() using the multihash58 service.
###IPLDfiles Subclass of IPLD where we want to return a directory, or a list of choices
- for example each of the PDF's & other files available for a specific DOI
- IPLDfiles(NameResolver) {Expand} load IPLD with meta-data from NR and iterate through it loading own list.
- content() - {Expand} Return internal data structure as a JSON
###IPLDshards Subclass of IPLD where we want to return a list of subfiles, that are the shards that together make up the result.
- IPLDshards(NameResolverItem) {Expand} load IPLD with meta-data from NR and iterate through it loading own list.
- content() - {Expand} Return internal data structure as a JSON
The constructor is potentially complex.
- Read metadata from NR and store in appropriate format (esp format of RawHash not yet defined)
- Loop through an iterator on the NR which will return shards.
- Write each of them to the IPLDshards' data structure.
- Then write result of content() to the Content_store getting back a multihash (called ipldhash)
- Store ipldhash to location_store with pointer to the Content_store.
- And locationstore_push(contenthash, { ipld: ipldhash }) so that contenthash maps to ipldhash
Services for writing and reading to disk or database. They are intentionally separated out so that in future the location of storage could change, for example metadata could be stored with Archive:item or with WayBack:CDX
Preferably these will be implemented as classes, and interface doc below changed a little.
Stores and retrieves meta data for hashes, NOTE the hash is NOT the hash of the metadata, and metadata is mutable. The fields allow essentially for independent indexes. It should be a simple shim around REDIS, note will have to combine multihash and field to get a redis "key" as if we used multihash as the key, and field is one field of a Redis dict type, then we won't be able to "push" to it. Note we can assume that this is used in a consistent fashion, e.g. won't do hash_store then hash_push which would be invalid.
Maps hashes to locations The multihash represents a file or a part of a file. Build upon hashstore. It is split out because this could be a useful service on its own.
Store and retrieve content by its hash.
Any services not bound to any class, group of classes
Convert file or hash to multihash in base58