The donation form is made up of several different components. This repository aggregates them all to make working with the donation form easier while still maintaining modularity.
General top-level usage. Take a look at the individual modules in the packages/
directory for specific usage of each component.
<script type="module">
import '@internetarchive/donation-form';
import '@internetarchive/modal-manager';
// create an endpoint manager that conforms to `BraintreeEndpointManagerInterface`
import BraintreeEndpointManager from './braintree-endpoint-manager.js';
// instantiate the endpoint manager
const endpointManager = new BraintreeEndpointManager();
const formController = document.querySelector('donation-form-controller');
const modalManager = document.querySelector('modal-manager');
const recaptchaElement = document.querySelector('#recaptcha');
// pass in all of the dependencies to the <donation-form-controller>
formController.endpointManager = endpointManager;
formController.modalManager = modalManager;
formController.recaptchaElement = recaptchaElement;
formController.analyticsHandler = window.archive_analytics;
There's some environment-specific styling, depending on the host
layout and configuration
donation-form-controller {
min-height: 362px;
display: block;
body.modal-manager-open {
overflow: hidden;
modal-manager {
display: none;
--modalBottomMargin: 10px;
--modalWidth: 320px;
modal-manager[mode='open'] {
display: block;
#recaptcha {
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
The <donation-form-controller> orchestrates the interactions
between the donation-form itself and other dependencies like
the modal manager, recaptcha, and some clear DOM dependencies
like the PayPal button and Braintree hosted fields.
The <donation-form> component can be used independently of the
controller, but will need something to handle some of the interactions.
<div id="recaptcha"></div>
The PayPal button does not work in the shadow DOM so it
must be slotted in from the top.
<div slot="paypal-upsell-button">
<div id="paypal-upsell-button"></div>