I build interesting software and write questionable articles.
Language | Experience | Time |
Python | Experienced - most comfortable | 4 years |
JS/TS | Fairly experienced - second most comfortable | 2 years |
C# | Intermediate | 1 year |
Go | Somewhere between beginner and intermediate | 1 year |
Rust | Beginner | 1 year |
HTML | Is a programming language | 2 years |
Made with Astro and TailwindCSS. Taught me a lot about modern front-end development.
CHIP-8 emulator (repo)
Made with Rust. Taught me about system emulation.
Chess engine (repo)
Made with C#. Taught me about project structuring and unit testing in .NET.
Minecraft bot (repo)
Made with TypeScript. Taught me about structuring full-stack projects in JS/TS.