In PIE-Core 1.1 the main focus of action was to refactor and improve the broad phase of collision detection and test coverage of the main classes and the broad phase algorithms.
The benchmark module, which is now called the assessment, was also heavily modified. Many different algorithmic and performance tests have been added to the assessment module.
New Features
- Add AABB tree algorithm to the broad phase.
- Add toString methods to main classes.
- Add action applier classes for performance and algorithmic testing.
- Improve SpatialHashing and SweepAndPrune algorithms performance.
- Refactor benchmark testing mechanism.
- Add JavaDoc to main and the broad phase classes.
- Improve coverage of a lot of classes.
- Improve performance and algorithmic testing of the broad phase algorithms.
- Add new continuos integration tools.
- Fix bug with dispersion calculating in SweepAndPrune algorithm.
- Fix bug about a lot of vertices and normals in any polygon instance.