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How to Cross Compile Steno Application with QtCreator

Félix Roy edited this page Nov 26, 2019 · 4 revisions


This wiki page explains how to cross-compile the Steno app on host computer for target with QtCreator.


The target must have the NVIDIA Jetpack SDK installed. See wiki page.

The target must be configured. See wiki page.

The host computer must have cross-compiled Qt. See wiki page.


  1. Install QtCreator

    sudo apt-get install qtcreator
  2. Open QtCreator

  3. Open Options window via Tools/Options... then go to Kits options

  1. In Qt Versions tab press Add... and find qmake executable from cross-compiled Qt

  1. In Compilers tab press Add/GCC/C and find GCC compiler from linaro tool chain

  1. In Compilers tab press Add/GCC/C++ and find G++ compiler from linaro tool chain

  1. In Debuggers tab press Add and set Path to GDB debugger from linaro tool chain

  1. Press Apply to save changes

  2. Go to Devices Options

  3. Select Add...

  4. In Device Configuration Wizard Selection, select Generic Linux Device and press Start Wizard

  1. Give a name to the configuration, set the IP address of the target, set the username to log into and press Next >

  1. Press Create New Key Pair, Deploy Pulbic Key and Next >

  1. Press Finish to finalize device creation

  1. Device Test should look like this

  1. The newly created device should look like this

  1. Go to Kits Options and select Kits tab

  2. Press Add to create a new kit for the target. The configuration of the kit should look like this.

  1. Select Apply to save changes then Ok

  2. Open project file

  3. In the Configure Project select target kit and press Configure Project

  1. In Projects, make sure Shadow build is disable

  2. To build right click on the root folder and select Rebuild

  3. To deploy on the target right click on the root folder and select Deploy