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Edgar Miller edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 1 revision

List of properties:

Property Description
Object ID The datapoint of the object you want to show
Titel Title Text to be shown in widget
Untertitel Subtitle Text to be shown in widget
Kopfzeile anzeigen show/hide Title and subtitle in widget
onltyTitle show only Title but not Subtitle
group_BoxStyle -------
titleSize font size of Title
widgetBackground Base Color of the widget
TextColor Color of the Text shown in the widget
subtitleSize font size of the subtitle
Textausrichtung horizontal alignment of the value
valueVertical vertical alignment of the value
valueSize font size of the value shown
Transparenz Farbe color of the widget overlay opacity
einfärben durch Wert change color depending of some values which can be defined below
e.g below/über / min/ max/... (depending on widget used) some value used to colorize the value
e.g. color-low/ colorOpen/... the color for the value shown depending on the setting above
Symbole ------
cardIconClosed icon for closed state
cardIconOpen icon for open state
showIcon show/hide the icon in widget
centerIcon center the icon instead of showing it in left upper corner
group_border ----
Rand show Border around widget
Rahmenfarbe color of the border
borderRadius set the radius for all 4 corners to be rounded
useOverallRoundedValues if true, borderRadius will be ignored and above settings will be used
roundLeftUp Radius for upper Left corner
roundLeftBottom Bottom Left
roundRightUp Top Right
roundRightBottom Bottom Right
boxShadow show/hide shadow of the widget
shadowWidth size of the shadow

Screenshot of most properties:



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