This is a docker-compose wrapper providing all of the services for the OIH search engine on one docker-compose stack for development or staging deployment.
It includes
- nginx-proxy as a web proxy to access the website and the api
- A lets-encrypt sidecar for nginx-proxy to provide for certificates. If you are running on a local/non-internet accessible domain, this will silently fall back to HTTP rather than HTTPS.
- Container definitons for the API, web, and solr instances.
The description here is for a Ubuntu Linux server but should not be too different for another machine.
- update/upgrade the server
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt autoclean
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt install git
- docker config /etc/docker/daemon.json should contain
"data-root": "/data/docker"
sudo apt remove docker docker-engine containerd runc
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-ce -y
- checker if docker is running correctly
sudo systemctl status docker
- [npm]
- server has a mounted volume on /data with minimum 50G (should be 100G)
To install the complete interface
- clone this repository and all the submodules where you think everything should reside
git clone --recurse-submodules /data/oih-ui-docker
- to be sure that we are using the correct code from the submodules it's best to checkout a known tag for each of them
cd /data/oih-ui-docker/frontend/frontend
git pull
git checkout 0.5.0
- check if this is ok
git status
HEAD detached at 0.5.0
- make a symlink from /data/oih-ui-docker/docker-compose.yml to either
- /data/oih-ui-docker/docker-compose.external.yml for production server
- /data/oih-ui-docker/ for dev server
To make the env file we need you can either make it:
cd /data/oih-ui-docker
or you can rename the env.sample file to .env and change the content.
Running make
will give a list of makefile commands of interest.
cd /data/oih-ui-docker
sed: can't read .env: No such file or directory
Making the ENV file...
init: submodule initialization and updates
down: brings the docker-compose set down
up: brings the docker-compose set up
logs | logs-web: tails webserver logs
logs-solr: tails solr logs
logs-api: tails api logs
logs-nginx: tails nginx logs
logs-le: tails nginx lets-encrypt
initdb-solr: prepares the solr database
Put all the dockers up
cd /data/oih-ui-docker/
make up
Create the SOLR db:
cd /data/oih-ui-docker
make initdb-solr
docker-compose run -u root solr chown solr:solr /var/solr/data/ckan/data
Creating oih-ui-docker_solr_run ... done
this should not be needed anymore, all containers should be running now
make up
docker ps
9f97426ac4c1 nginxproxy/acme-companion "/bin/bash /app/entr…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes oih-ui-docker_letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion_1
a874506b60a8 oih-ui-docker_web "docker-entrypoint.s…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes oih-ui-docker_web_1
f6e83ad5e0eb nginxproxy/nginx-proxy:latest "/app/docker-entrypo…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp oih-ui-docker_nginx-proxy_1
59cf8919d72e solr:8 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes oih-ui-docker_solr_1
1a9443dbd9ca oih-ui-docker_api "uvicorn api.main:ap…" 16 minutes ago Up 16 minutes 8000/tcp oih-ui-docker_api_1
At this point, the system should be up and running, though without any indexed documents.
The docker compose sets some environment variables that are important for connecting between the various services.
The api is assumed to be at api.hostname
, the website at hostname
(as set in the .env file by This can be changed in the environment variables VIRTUAL_HOST
for the proxy service and LETSENCRYPT_HOST
for the lets-encrypt ssl cert. For development work, I find it useful to map *.localhost
to my local machine, so oih.localhost
and api.oih.localhost
automatically resolve to my dev machine.
If you change the API url, the setting for REACT_APP_DATA_SERVICE_URL
in the web environment needs to be changed to match.
setting may require tweaking to allow for more memory to be used by the solr process, depending on the machine size.
When updating the server after commits to the oih-ui repo you will need to pull in those changes here.
As we are using (should be using) tags for the submodules, we can checkout the desired tag in the resp. submodule.
cd /data/oih-ui-docker/frontend/frontend
git pull
git checkout 0.5.0
git status
#HEAD detached at 0.5.0