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REST is an IONDV. Framework module for system integration.


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REST - is an IONDV. Framework module used to quickly create web services based on metadata for implementing microservice architecture. The module also allows you to integrate applications created on the framework with other systems using the REST API and it provides data exchange to implement arbitrary custom web interfaces (including SPA created on the frameworks Angular, Redux, Vue, etc.).

IONDV. Framework in brief

IONDV. Framework - is a node.js open source framework for developing accounting applications or microservices based on metadata and individual modules. Framework is a part of instrumental digital platform to create enterprise (ERP) apps. This platform consists of the following open-source components: the IONDV. Framework, the modules and ready-made applications expanding its functionality, visual development environment Studio to create metadata for the app.


IONDV. REST - is a module providing a way to work with the data of IONDV applications via REST API. It's a wrapper to work with the data via standard CRUD functions, it also connects the application's own services, including those using the core API.



Service registration in application configuration

To connect services in the application, configure them in the global settings of the rest module in the deploy.json file of the application. For example:

  "modules": {
    "rest": {
      "globals": {
        "di": {
          "simple": {
            "module": "applications/develop-and-test/service/SimpleRest"
          "string-list": {
            "module": "applications/develop-and-test/service/String-list",
            "options": {
              "stringClassName": "class_string@develop-and-test",
              "dataRepo": "ion://dataRepo"
          "crud": {
            "module": "modules/rest/lib/impl/crud",
            "options": {
               "auth": "ion://auth",
               "dataRepo": "ion://securedDataRepo"

The path to the service registration is in the deploy.json file -, further specify the name of the service, which will be available at the following address, where serviceName - name of the service, set in the di, as in the example above simple or string-list. In the module attribute, specify the path to the js-file with a service handler with a relative path the root of the framework. The handler can be both in the application and in any module or framework, including sample rest module handlers.

In the options property, the specific service parameters are set.

For example, for crud service:

  • dataRepo filed - data repository with access control used for operations on objects
  • auth field - authentication component used to obtain the current user account.

For string-list service:

used for data sampling

  • dataRepo field - data repository, used for data sampling
  • stringClassName field - class name of received objects

In this case, the class_string@develop-and-test class will be transferred to the getList method of the data repository.

options.dataRepo.getList(options.stringClassName, {})

Authentication for service queries

There are several ways to carry out the authorization:

Standart authorization services via the login account

All services use the standard authorization mechanism by default, which implies the transfer of registration details in the header:

  • authorization via basicAuth, for example:
curl -u demo@local:ion-demo
  • transfer of registration details in the query header:
curl -H "auth-user: demo" -H "auth-pwd: ion-demo" -H "auth-user-type: local"


curl -H "auth-user: demo@local" -H "auth-pwd: ion-demo"

Services without the authentication

To implement the service without authentication, you must set the none parameter in the deploy.json file:

  "modules": {
    "rest": {
      "globals": {
        "authMode": {
          "echo": "none"

A query to a service will not require authentication, an example query - curl

Services with token authentication

Token authentication is used to exclude the constant transfer of an account in queries. Tokens are limited in their lifetime.

To implement the work of the service with authentication through a token, you must set the token parameter in the authMode in the deploy.json file:

  "modules": {
    "rest": {
      "globals": {
        "authMode": {
          "echo-token": "token"

Authentication through the token is carried out by sending the token value for the auth-token parameter in the request header:

curl -H "auth-token: c369a361db9742e9a9ae8e9fe55950a571493812"

You can get a token in two ways: in the console of the ionadmin module or through the token service of the rest module.

All generated tokens are stored in the collection ion_user_tokens in the database.

Getting a constant token through the ionadmin module

To get a token through the admin console, go to the "Web Services Security Keys" navigation item of the ionadmin module, by going to locahost:8888/ionadmin/token.

On the "Security Token Generator" page:

  • Enter the user name in the "User name" field
  • Set the "Account Type" field to "local"
  • Click the "Generate token" button
  • In the "Token" field the token value as follows 3a546090355317c287886c0e81dfd304fa5bda99 will appear. Use it as the auth-token header value.

The default token lifetime is 100 years.

Getting a temporary token through the rest/token service

The second way to get the token is to use the web service of the rest module - token. You can get a token through authenticated request to the rest/token address. For example, through the authorization basicAuth type:

curl -u demo@local:ion-demo

or a request with authorization through the parameters in the header:

curl -H "auth-user: demo@local" -H "auth-pwd: ion-demo" -H

The service response will have a token of the form e444c69894d2087696e0a6c6914788f67ebcf6ee. The default token lifetime is 100 years.

To execute the request, you must either have administrator rights in the system or have use rights for the ws:::gen-ws-token resource.

You can add a token generation resource for a role from the command line node bin/acl.js --role restGrp --p USE --res ws:::gen-ws-token (where restGrp - name of existing group)

The second way to add rights to a resource is to use the admin console of the ionadmin module, for example, by going to locahost:8888/ionadmin/:

  • Select the "Security" navigation item,
  • Select the Roles navigation subitem,
  • Select an existing role and click the edit or create a new role buttons,
  • In the "Access righrs" field, select the Services item,
  • Expand the list of rights for the "Generation of security tokens through web services (ws ::: gen-ws-token)" resource,
  • Select "Use" and click "Save".

Built-in module services

The REST module has several built-in services designed to implement typical operations with the module:

  • acceptor - service provides mass creation of objects
  • token - service provides the issuance of a token for an authorized user
  • crud - CRUD service for system objects

Built-in "acceptor" service

The acceptor service designed for mass storage of objects of different classes.

It is required to register the service in the deploy.json application configuration file to work with the service. At the same time, the service must be indicated in the options - the dataRepo and metaRepo repositories. For example:

  "modules": { 
    "rest": {
      "globals": {
        "di": {
          "acceptor": {
            "module": "modules/rest/lib/impl/acceptor",
            "options": {
              "dataRepo": "ion://dataRepo",
              "metaRepo": "ion://metaRepo"

Authorization is carried out through all the main types of access, and by default through the user account.

The service is carried out by the POST method, objects are transferred as an array of objects in JSON format in the request body with the json content header Content-Type:application/json. Auto-generated fields are optional.

In the header in the ion-converter property, the name of the converter that can be used when processing data can be passed. Both request data and response data. In this case, the data converter itself must be registered in the options service. If no handler is specified, the default handler is used.

The object data must include:

  • _id - identifier of the object by key field
  • _class - object class with namespace
  • _classVer - class version

The remaining values must match the properties of the class, including data type matching. Example.

curl -X POST -u demo@local:ion-demo \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d '[{"_class": "class_string@develop-and-test", "__classVer": null,"id": "10101010-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b",\
       "string_text": "Example10", "string_miltilinetext": "Example10", "string_formattext": "Example10"}]' \

The method returns the code 200 and an array of stored objects.

    "id": "10101010-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b",
    "_class": "class_string@develop-and-test",
    "_classVer": "",
    "string_formattext": "Example10",
    "string_miltilinetext": "Example10",
    "string_text": "Example10",
    "_id": "10101010-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b"

In case of an error, the response code will be 400, and the response text will contain

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<pre>Bad Request</pre>

Built-in service "token"

The token service is intended for issuing a token to an authenticated user, for its further use in token authentication services.

The service does not require registration in deploy.json. The service provides the issuance of a token for an authorized user, if he has the use rights for the ws:::gen-ws-token resource or has administrator rights. In response to the request, there is a token of the following type e444c69894d2087696e0a6c6914788f67ebcf6ee. The default token lifetime is 100 years.

Request example via authentication of the basicAuth type:

curl -u demo@local:ion-demo

Example request with authentication through parameters in the header

curl -H "auth-user: demo@local" -H "auth-pwd: ion-demo" -H "auth-user-type: local"

Built-in service "crud"

The crud service implements a REST API based on the basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete).

The service requires registration in deploy.json of the application and requires a mandatory data source dataRepo in options of the service, as well as the authorization source auth to access user data. It is advisable to specify as a data repository - a repository with full security processing in order to test the access to objects taking into account dynamic security. For example:

  "modules": { 
    "rest": {
      "globals": {
        "di": {
          "crud": {
            "module": "modules/rest/lib/impl/crud",
            "options": {
              "auth": "ion://auth",
              "dataRepo": "ion://securedDataRepo"

Authentication is done through all the main types of access, and by default through a user account.


curl -X POST -u demo@local:ion-demo

By default, without the correct parameters - server response code about the error is 404.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<pre>Cannot POST /rest/crud</pre>
Getting a list of objects: GET crud/:class@namespace method

Getting a list of objects is carried out by the GET method, while indicating the class code with a namespace, for example rest/crud/class_string@develop-and-test/

curl -X GET -u demo@local:ion-demo

In response, the service returns a JSON Object with an offset of 0 and a count of 5 records and a status of 200, if there is no such class, returns the code 404.

"__classTitle":"Class \"String [0]\"",
"__string":"Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view",
"__classTitle":"Class \"String [0]\"",
"string_text":"Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view",
"string_miltilinetext":"Example of the \"String [0]\"\r\n in the Multiline text [7] view",
"string_formattext":"Example of the \r\n \"String [0]\" type \r\n in the \r\nFormatted text [7] view"}]

The query can be implemented with the following query parameters:

  • _offset - sample offset, 0 - by default
  • _count - number of values in the sample, 5 - by default
  • _eager - a list of class properties, separated by the symbol | for which it is necessary to configure the data eager loading.
  • [name of property] - all parameters are accepted by the request name, except those starting with _ which are considered the names of the class attributes, and their values are set as filters.


# Запрос списка объектов класса со смещением 1 и кол-вом 2
curl -X GET -u demo@local:ion-demo
# Запрос списка объектов, у которы свойство string_text имеет значение example1
curl -X GET -u demo@local:ion-demo
# Запрос списка объектов, у которы свойство string_text имеет значение example1, со смещением 1 и кол-вом 2
curl -X GET -u demo@local:ion-demo
Check of the object availability: HEAD crud/:class@namespace/:id method

Check of the object availability is carried out by the GET method, while indicating the class code with a namespace and the value of the object key, for example rest/crud/class_string@develop-and-test/66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b

curl -X HEAD -u demo@local:ion-demo

If the object exists, it returns the response code 200, if the object does not find the code is 404, if there is no correct rights - 403.

Receiving object: GET crud/:class@namespace/:id method

Obtaining an object is carried out by the GET method, while indicating the class code with a namespace and the value of the object key, for example rest/crud/class_string@develop-and-test/66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b

curl -X GET -u demo@local:ion-demo

In addition, you can set the _eager parameter in the query containing a list of class properties, separated by the | symbol for which it is necessary to configure the data eager loading (links or collections). For example:

curl -X GET -u demo@local:ion-demo

If the object exists, it returns the response code 200 and the object itself in json format, if the object does not find the code is 404, if there is no correct rights - 403.

    "_id": "66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b",
    "__string": "Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view",
    "__class": "class_string@develop-and-test",
    "__classTitle": "Class \"String [0]\"",
    "id": "66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b",
    "string_text": "Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view",
    "string_miltilinetext": "Example of the \"String [0]\"\r\n in the Multiline text [7] view",
    "string_formattext": "Example of the \r\n \"String [0]\" type \r\n in the \r\nFormatted text [7] view"
Object creation: POST crud/:class@namespace method

An object is created using the POST method, and the class code with a namespace is specified, rest/crud/class_string@develop-and-test. The object itself is transmitted in the request body in json format with obligatory indication in the header of the json content type Content-Type:application/json. Auto-generated fields are optional. Example:

curl -X POST -u demo@local:ion-demo \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d '{"string_text": "Example3", "string_miltilinetext": "Example3", "string_formattext": "Example3"}' \

The created object will be returned in response, in which all auto-created fields will be filled and the response code will be 200.

    "_creator": "admin@local",
    "_id": "10c77900-b96e-11e9-a7ce-314f02bd4197",
    "__string": "10c77900-b96e-11e9-a7ce-314f02bd4197",
    "__class": "class_string@develop-and-test",
    "__classTitle": "Class \"String [0]\"",
    "id": "10c77900-b96e-11e9-a7ce-314f02bd4197",
    "string_text": "Example3",
    "string_miltilinetext": "Example3",
    "string_formattext": "Example3"

In case of an error, the response code will be 400, and the response text will contain:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<pre>Bad Request</pre>
Object update: PATCH or PUT crud/:class@namespace/:id method

Updating an object is done using the PATCH or PUT method, and the class code with neispace and the value of the object key are indicated, for example rest/crud/class_string@develop-and-test/66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b. The object itself is transmitted in the request body in json format with obligatory indication in the header of the json content type - Content-Type:application/json.


curl -X PATCH -u demo@local:demo-ion -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"string_text": "NEW Example", "string_miltilinetext": "NEW Example", "string_formattext": "NEW Example"}'
# Or it is equivalent
curl -X PUT -u demo@local:demo-ion -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"string_text": "NEW Example", "string_miltilinetext": "NEW Example", "string_formattext": "NEW Example"}'

If the object exists, it returns the response code 200 and the object itself in json format, if the object does not find the code is 404, if the processing fails, the code is 500, if there is no correct rights - 403.

Object example:

    "_editor": "admin@local",
    "_id": "66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b",
    "__string": "NEW Example",
    "__class": "class_string@develop-and-test",
    "__classTitle": "Class \"String [0]\"",
    "id": "66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b",
    "string_text": "NEW Example",
    "string_miltilinetext": "NEW Example",
    "string_formattext": "NEW Example"
Delete object: DELETE crud/:class@namespace/:id method

Deleting an object is carried out by the DELETE method, while indicating the class code with a namespace and the value of the object key, for example rest/crud/class_string@develop-and-test/66dbb3d0-5583-11e6-aef7-cf50314f026b.

curl -X DELETE -u demo@local:demo-ion

If successful, the service returns the response code 200, in case the object was not found 404.

Service сreation

Creating your own service consists of the following:

  • service registration in deploy.json
  • creating a service handler in the application
  • implementation of request processing logic

Service registration in deploy.json application

Test service registration example, for details see Service registration in application configuration

  "modules": { 
    "rest": {
      "globals": {
        "di": {
          "string-list": {
            "module": "applications/develop-and-test/service/String-list",
            "options": {
              "stringClassName": "class_string@develop-and-test",
              "dataRepo": "ion://dataRepo"

Development of the service handler in the app

All services are implemented as heirs from Service - functions of the rest module.

Each service must export a handler function in which an asynchronous method this._route are implemented. It is necessary to register processed methods and paths, throuth the this.addHandler functions, returning the Promise . Handler function will have access to options and the access to the data repositories, authorization, metadata and classes (if they are specified in the application configuration in the deploy.json file) and will also receive an object with the generic name req - which is the request object of the express library.

The data, already parsed into the object will be located in req.body.

The handler function must return a Promise resolving to the result of the handler (for processing in Service modules/rest/lib/interfaces/Service.js), the handler will issue it with a code of 200 and a content type - Content-Type:application/json. If during processing there will be an error intercepted by catch, then for errors related to access control, an answer with an error text and code will be returned 403, and for everything else, the response code 500 and error message Internal server error.

An example of implementing a service issuing lists of objects with filters for a class_string class in the [develop-and-test] application.

It is also convenient to study the crud method itself, located at modules/rest/lib/impl/crud.js

const Service = require('modules/rest/lib/interfaces/Service');

 * @param {{dataRepo: DataRepository, echoClassName: String}} options
 * @constructor
function listClassString(options) {

   * @param {Request} req
   * @returns {Promise}
   * @private
  this._route = function(router) {
    this.addHandler(router, '/', 'POST', (req) => {
      return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        try {
          let filter = [];
          if (req.body.string_text)
            filter.push({string_text: {$eq: req.body.string_text}});
          if (req.body.string_miltilinetext)
            filter.push({string_miltilinetext: {$eq: req.body.string_miltilinetext}});
          if (filter.length === 0)
            filter = {};
          else if (filter.length === 1)
            filter = filter[0];
            filter = {$and: filter};
          options.dataRepo.getList(options.stringClassName, {filter: filter}).then(function (results) {
            let items = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
              const props = results[i].getProperties();
              const item = {};
              for (let p in props) {
                if (props.hasOwnProperty(p))
                  item[props[p].getName()] = props[p].getValue();
            resolve({data: items});
        } catch (err) {

listClassString.prototype = new Service();

module.exports = listClassString;

Query without attributes in the query body:

curl -X POST -u demo@local:ion-demo

Returns all the list:

  "__classTitle":"Class \"String [0]\"",
  "__classTitle":"Class \"String [0]\"",
  "__classTitle":"Class \"String [0]\"",
  "string_text":"Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view",
  "string_miltilinetext":"Example of the \"String [0]\"\r\n in the Multiline text [7] view",
  "string_formattext":"Example of the \r\n \"String [0]\" type \r\n in the \r\nFormatted text [7] view"}]

A query with an attribute parameter equal to the value in the attribute string_text:

Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view

curl -X POST -d "string_text=Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\"" \
     -u demo@local:ion-demo

Returns the objects objects satisfying the condition:

  "__classTitle":"Class \"String [0]\"",
  "string_text":"Example of the \"String [0]\" type in the \"Text [1]\" view",
  "string_miltilinetext":"Example of the \"String [0]\"\r\n in the Multiline text [7] view",
  "string_formattext":"Example of the \r\n \"String [0]\" type \r\n in the \r\nFormatted text [7] view"}]

Additional services

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All rights reserved.