Welcome to the official Java implementation of IoTeX Antenna Java! IoTeX is building the next generation of the decentralized network for IoT powered by scalability- and privacy-centric blockchains. Please refer to IoTeX whitepaper for details.
protoc --proto_path=src/main/proto --java_out=src/main/java src/main/proto/proto/*/*.proto
protoc --plugin=/opt/homebrew/bin/protoc-gen-grpc-java \
--grpc-java_out="src/main/java" --proto_path=src/main/proto src/main/proto/proto/api/api.proto
implementation 'com.github.iotexproject:iotex-antenna-java:0.6.3'
ChainID specification:
- 1: mainnet
- 2: testnet
// create account from private key
Account account = IotexAccount.create(IotexAccountTest.TEST_PRIVATE);
IOTX iotx = new IOTX("api.testnet.iotex.one:80", 2);
// create KeyStore file
KeystoreFile walletFile = Keystore.createStandard("123456", Numeric.toBigInt(account.privateKey()));
// transfer
TransferRequest request = new TransferRequest();
request.setNonce(1l); // optional, can be null
request.setGasLimit(100000l); // optional, can be null
request.setGasPrice("1000000000000"); // optional, can be null
request.setPayload("68656c6c6f20776f726c6421"); // optional, can be null
String hash = iotx.sendTransfer(request);
// contract deploy
Contract contract = new Contract(iotx.currentProvider(), CONTRACT_ABI, Numeric.hexStringToByteArray(CONTRACT_BIN));
String hash = contract.deploy(null, 100000l, "1000000000000", account, "0", 5);
// contract execute
Contract contract = new Contract(provider, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, CONTRACT_ABI);
String hash = contract.execute(null, 100000l, "1000000000000", account, "set", "0", 10);