mkdir ~/model_ws && cd ~/model_ws
wstool init src
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
rosdep update && rosdep install --from-paths ./src -y -i -r
catkin build
To generate rossystem model from the ROS graph and to compare it with a desired system, launch a system of choice:
# Terminal 1:
source ~/model_ws/devel/setup.bash
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch
Start the rosgraph_monitor
and listen to /diagnostics
(source ~/model_ws/devel/setup.bash
on each new terminal)
# Terminal 2:
rosrun rosgraph_monitor monitor
# Terminal 3:
rosservice call /load_observer "name: 'ROSGraphObserver'"
#Terminal 4:
rostopic echo /diagnostics
To dump the rossystem
model of the running system started above in Terminal 1 to file resources/test.rossystem
# Terminal 2:
rosrun rosgraph_monitor rossystem_snapshot
Observers can now be loaded at startup. Below is an example to load ROSGraphObserver
and DummyObserver
. ROSGraphObserver
also needs an additional private parameter _desired_rossystem
with absolute path of rossystem
# Terminal 2:
rosrun rosgraph_monitor monitor --load ROSGraphObserver DummyObserver _desired_rossystem:=<path/to/file>test.rossystem
To use a custom created property observer in the module observers
(e.g. QualityObserver
# Terminal 2:
rosrun rosgraph_monitor monitor
# Terminal 3:
rosservice call /load_observer "name: 'QualityObserver'"
#Terminal 4:
rostopic echo /diagnostics