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DuckDB Cell (%%dql) and Line (%dql) Magics for Jupyter and VSCode


magic_duckdb was created to:

  • Provide simple cell/line magics with minimal code and zero dependencies
  • Match performance of DuckDB python API
  • Be a simple starting point to add other useful features with minimal complexity
  • Bundle useful features, like using OpenAI to improve SQL, sql formatting (beautifying) and explain analyze graphics

Why not the %sql magics (jupysql or ipython-sql)?

The goal of this project is to expose the native features of duckdb, with minimal dependencies, such as exporting to arrow tables or using DuckDB relation objects.


The goal of this project was to provide minimal line & cell magics for DuckDB in Jupyter notebooks with minimal dependencies and as simply as possible.

The core code is concentrated in two places:

  • Barebones cell and line magic that parses arguments, and executes statements
  • execute() calls the appropriate method based on the user selected output type.

Features that require additional dependencies, such as Jinja2 for the --jinja2 feature, are imported dynamically.

Quick Start

%pip install magic_duckdb --upgrade --quiet
%load_ext magic_duckdb
%dql select * from range(100)


-cn <connection_string>: Create a new connection to a DuckDB. If passed without a query, this changes the global connection, otherwise used just for the current query.
    %dql -cn myfile.db
-co <connection_object>: Use an existing DuckDB Connection. If passed without a query, this changes the global connection, otherwise used just for the current query.
    con = duckdb.connect("somefile.db")
    %dql -co con
-d: Use the duckdb.default_connection. If passed without a query, this changes the global connection, otherwise used just for the current query.
-g | --getcon: Get the current connection
    con = %dql --getcon
--close: Close current connection

-t <type> [default: df]: Selects the type for this request. If passed without a query, this changes the global default, otherwise used just for the current query.
-e <explain_mode>: Display the explain plan, or explain analyze, or AST

-l | --listtypes: Returns a list of available output types, for -t

-j | --jinja2: Process the SQL as a jinja template, using the user_ns environment.
    `%dql -j select * from {{var1}}`
-p | --params: Pass the specified parameter(s) as a SQL parameters
    `%dql -p obj1 select
-o <var>: Stores the resulting output in a variable named <var>
-tp <name> <value>: Pass a kwarg to the type function. Intended to be used to pass parameters to .show(). Must be passed on each call, not saved. 
    `%dql -t show -tp max_rows 10 <query>`

--tables: Returns tables used by the query
-f: Format the string using npx sql-formatter
-ai / -aichat: Route request to OpenAI
    %dql -ai Fix selct star frm mytable

See notebooks for usage examples.

Enabling Frame Scanning

To reference objects that are in the Jupyter notebook local scope, enable python_scan_all_frames. This is a DuckDB feature that searches the locals of the frame stack to find dataframes and other objects. %dql set python_scan_all_frames = True;

Modifying the MAGIC NAME from DQL to SQL

To use %sql and %%sql instead of the default dql, do the following (before loading the extension):

import magic_duckdb
magic_duckdb.MAGIC_NAME = "sql"

%load_ext magic_duckdb

Using "sql" as the name may help the LSP automatically choose SQL syntax highlighting.

Usage Details

  • %dql -t [df | arrow | pl | relation | show | df_markdown] <query>: Equivalent to - connection.sql(query).<type>()
  • %dql -e [explain | explain_analyze_tree | explain_analyze_json | explain_analyze_draw | analyze | ast_json | ast_tree | ast_draw] <query>:
    • explain is equivalent to connection.sql(query).explain()
    • explain_analyze_* options enable profiling (PRAGMA enable_profiling), and use connection.sql(query).explain(type='analyze')
    • explain_analyze_draw requires graphviz to be installed on your system, and "dot" or "dot.exe" must be in your PATH or added via magic.explain_analyze_graphviz.dot_path = 'path_to_dot'. The graphviz python module must also be installed: pip install graphviz
    • The AST options use json_serialize_sql to describe the SQL. ast_json displays the raw json result, ast_tree displays an indented tree, and ast_draw uses graphviz to draw a graphical version of the tree
  • %dql --format <query> uses sql-formatter. This is a javascript library, so it needs to be installed separately, although it's executed via npx so should be fine as long as you have npx / node in your path.
  • %dql --tables <query> returns the list of tables used by the query, equivalent to: duckdb.get_table_names("SELECT * FROM xyz")
  • %dql [-ai | -aichat] fix <query> passes the current schema to OpenAI and askes OpenAI to "fix" the query. An OpenAI developer key is required.
  • %dql -r [readfile] loads the query from the file path specified. Variable expansion is not supported at this time, file path must be a string.
            # to set openai key
            from magic_duckdb.extras import sql_ai
            sql_ai.OPENAI_KEY = openai_key

Autocompletion: Work in Progress

There are two different Autocompletion implementations, one for MatcherAPIv2 and the other (pre-ipython 8.6.0) for MatcherAPIv1. The MatcherAPIv2 version is tried first, and if it fails, the MatcherAPIv1 version is loaded. MatcherAPIv1 will not match the entire results of a cell: it's limited to a line by line match.

  • Phrase completion: %dql create <tab> will show common phrases, such as CREATE OR REPLACE
  • Pragma completion: %dql PRAGMA <tab> will list available pragma's.
  • Table completion: %dql select * from <tab> will list available tables and Pandas DataFrames. This is triggered by a list of keywords (ie: from) that are expected to be followed. See magic_duckdb.autocomplete.common for the keywords.
  • Column completion: %dql select tablename.<tab> from tablename will list available tables and Pandas DataFrames for tablename.


Autocompletion can be disabled with:

from magic_duckdb import magic
%load_ext magic_duckdb

Capturing output

Line Magics can be captured with assignment or -o:

# These are equivalent:
%dql -o varname <query>
varname = %dql <query>

Cell magics can only be captured with -o (var = %%dql doesn't work)

%%dql -o varname

To silence a cell, you can stack %%capture:

%%iql -o bqldf

Performance Comparison

The jupysql/sql-alchemy/duckdb-engine %sql magic was surprisingly slow when compared to magic_duckdb or duckdb. I didn't spend a lot of time evaluating this, so please do your own evaluation: my priority was keeping magic_duckdb simple by using duckdb directly.


Python: 3.9.16 (main, Mar 8 2023, 10:39:24) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] DuckDB: library_version source_id 0 0.8.1-dev51 e84cc1acb8 Pandas : 2.0.1 jupysql 0.7.5

Test Setup

See benchmarking.ipynb for the test code.


name 1 1000 1000000 description
0 test_magicddb_pandas 3.47 4.11 291.0 %dql -t df query
1 test_duckdb_execute_df 3.80 3.39 281.0 con.execute(query).df()
2 test_duckdb_execute_arrow 3.91 4.04 128.0 con.execute(query).arrow()
3 test_magicddb_arrow 4.10 5.38 127.0 %dql -t arrow query
4 test_duckdb_sql_df 6.93 7.94 318.0 con.sql(query).df()
5 test_jupysql 321.00 256.00 547.0 %config SqlMagic.autopandas = True
%sql query

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