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From version 2, this node aims to play the whole kitti data into ROS (Color/Grayscale images, Velodyne scan as PCL, sensor_msgs/Imu Message, GPS as sensor_msgs/NavSatFix Message).


Kitti_player, a player for KITTI raw datasets Datasets can be downloaded from:

Allowed options: help h help message directory d required - path to the kitti dataset Directory frequency f set replay Frequency all a replay All data velodyne v replay Velodyne data gps g replay Gps data imu i replay Imu data grayscale G replay Stereo Grayscale images color C replay Stereo Color images viewer V enable image viewer timestamps T use KITTI timestamps stereoDisp s use pre-calculated disparities viewDisp D view loaded disparity images frame F start playing at frame... gpsPoints p publish GPS/RTK markers to RVIZ, having reference frame as <reference_frame> [example: -p map] synchMode S Enable Synch mode (wait for signal to load next frame [std_msgs/Bool "data: true"]

kitti_player needs a directory tree like the following: └── 2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync ├── image_00
│ └── data
│ └ timestamps.txt
├── image_01
│ └── data
│ └ timestamps.txt
├── image_02
│ └── data
│ └ timestamps.txt
├── image_03
│ └── data
│ └ timestamps.txt
├── oxts
│ └── data
│ └ timestamps.txt
├── velodyne_points
│ └── data
│ └ timestamps.txt
└── calib_cam_to_cam.txt