A notebook to analyze Amazon Recommendation Review Dataset.
Calculates distinct user count, distinct item count and total review count as basic stats.
Removes users with less than 5 reviews, then caluclates basic stats for filtered dataset.
Calculates mean and median review count per user, then plots a boxplot for review count per user.
Calculates average review point per user, then plots a boxplot for it.
Calculates mean and median review count per item, then plots a boxplot for review count per item.
Calculates average review point per item, then plots a boxplot for it.
Calculates word count per review, then plots a boxplot for it.
Calculates total word count in all reviews of the item, then plots a boxplot for it.
Calculates total word count in all reviews of the user, then plots a boxplot for it.
1.J. McAuley and J. Leskovec. Hidden factors and hidden topics: understanding rating dimensions with review text. RecSys, 2013.