Here you can find all the test exercises that were performed during different training sessions.
Most of the time the repo is devoted to solving algorithmic problems. You may find tests with test cases for some algorithms in the test folder.
- Problem with overlapping hotel bookings
- Problem with calculating the maximum product of the integer dividers
- Problem with longest increasing path in a matrix
- HackerRank
- InterviewBit
- Leetcode
- "Algorithmic Toolbox" (Coursera)
- others:
- JQuery training (server and client)
- algorithms
- other random exercises
Most of the exercises have the link at the top. You can go to the resource to read the full text of the problem and find the examples.
In some cases you may find the small description and comments in the code. There might be a comment about the algorithmic time complexity of the given solution.
The examples of the function executing you may find:
below the code (in this case you need to run the file)- in
folder with the comments and expected output - in the same folder where the problem is located
To run the file:
node ./folder/fileName.js
To run the tests:
mocha ./folder/fileName.test.js