This is a helper python script for editing Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA) for MCU Bootloader (NXP Kinetis Bootloader 2) previously named Kinetis Bootloader
python <binary_image> <result_image>
python <binary_image> <result_image> <timeout_ms>
- Fix CRC check calculation according to manual
- Fix default values
MCU Bootloader uses Crc32Mpeg2
The following procedure shows the steps in CRC calculation.
- CRC initialization
- Set the initial CRC as 0xFFFFFFFF, which clears the CRC byte count to 0
- CRC calculation
- Check if the crcExpectedValue field in BCA resides in the address rangespecified for CRC calculation.•
- If the crcExpectedValue does not reside in the address range, then computeCRC over every byte value in the address range.
- If the crcExpectedValue does reside in the address range, then split theaddress range into two parts, splitting at the address of crcExpectedValuefield in BCA excluding crcExpectedValue.
- Then, compute the CRC on thetwo parts.
- Adjust the CRC byte count according to the actual bytes computed.
- CRC finalization
- Check if the CRC byte count is not 4-bytes aligned. If it is 4-bytes aligned, thenpad it with necessary zeroes to finalize the CRC. Otherwise, return the currentcomputed CRC.
typedef struct BootloaderConfigurationData
uint32_t tag; //!< [00:03] Tag value used to validate the bootloader configuration data. Must be set to 'kcfg'.
uint32_t crcStartAddress; //!< [04:07]
uint32_t crcByteCount; //!< [08:0b]
uint32_t crcExpectedValue; //!< [0c:0f]
uint8_t enabledPeripherals; //!< [10:10]
uint8_t i2cSlaveAddress; //!< [11:11]
uint16_t peripheralDetectionTimeoutMs; //!< [12:13] Timeout in milliseconds for peripheral detection before jumping
//! to application code
uint16_t usbVid; //!< [14:15]
uint16_t usbPid; //!< [16:17]
uint32_t usbStringsPointer; //!< [18:1b]
uint8_t clockFlags; //!< [1c:1c] High Speed and other clock options
uint8_t clockDivider; //!< [1d:1d] One's complement of clock divider, zero divider is divide by 1
uint8_t bootFlags; //!< [1e:1e] One's complemnt of direct boot flag, 0xFE represents direct boot
uint8_t pad0; //!< [1f:1f] Reserved, set to 0xFF
uint32_t mmcauConfigPointer; //!< [20:23] Holds a pointer value to the MMCAU configuration
uint32_t keyBlobPointer; //!< [24:27] Holds a pointer value to the key blob array used to configure OTFAD
uint8_t qspiPort; //!< [28:28] qspi port: 0xFF-PORTE, 0xFE-PORTC
uint8_t canConfig1; //!< [29:29] ClkSel[1], PropSeg[3], SpeedIndex[4]
uint16_t canConfig2; //!< [2a:2b] Pdiv[8], Pseg1[3], Pseg2[3], rjw[2]
uint16_t canTxId; //!< [2c:2d] txId
uint16_t canRxId; //!< [2e:2f] rxId
uint32_t qspi_config_block_pointer; //!< [30:33] QSPI config block pointer.
} bootloader_configuration_data_t;