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Lynch (2022)

Xinran Xu edited this page Nov 20, 2024 · 5 revisions

Link to CGM data - Must enter name, email, institution, and purpose upon download.

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Study Summary

The current study focused to evaluate the transition of Type 1 diabetes management from a hybrid closed-loop system using an insulin pump and CGM to a biotic pancreas. The Dexcom G6 CGM was used across a population group aged between 6 and 71 years over a 13-week period, with a sample size of 90 participants. These 90 participants were part of an initial randomized controlled trial (RCT) focusing on insulin-only biotic pancreas (BP) systems, selected from a broader cohort of approximately 440 enrolled patients, as part of a stage-by-stage study design.

Sample size Diabetes Type Population Group CGM device Duration
90 Type 1 Adults and children (6-71 years) Dexcom G6 13 weeks

Pre-processing Script

Below is a script to pre-process the CGM data:

Use agreements

This data set comes with the following data use agreement:

  1. Users must include the following attribution (specific to the study) in any publication, presentation, or communications: “The source of the data is [Author/Rightsholder. (Year). Title of data set (Version number) [Description of form]. Retrieved from http:// ] The analyses content and conclusions presented herein are solely the responsibility of the authors and have not been reviewed or approved by [add study group name, study sponsor name and/or project name].”

See ReadMe file for attribution example specific to this dataset. 2. The Publisher of the Dataset makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty express or implied regarding the Dataset for any reason or purpose; 3. Users take full responsibility for the manner of use, and complying with all applicable rules and regulations that govern the download and use of the Dataset; 4. Users take full responsibility for any liability that comes from their use, including third-party liability; 5. Publisher of the Dataset is not responsible for liability stemming from Users download and/or use of the Dataset.

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