Project developed in vanilla javascript following the tutorial from It covers the fundamentals of pure javascript in a simple project where no frameworks or libraries required. This project was inspired by Mr.Bean and Johny English moovies that kept me going through the lockdown in Melbourne during 2020. This hilarious caricatures were created by artist and caricaturist Rodney Pike. You can see more of his work here.
This project covers how to:
- select elements in the DOM with querySelector
- iterate through lists with forEach
- add/remove an element class
- add/remove event listeners
- timeout
- html5: data-attribute
- css3: positioning, flexbox, perspective, backface-visibility, * transitions
Pull requests are welcome.
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
- Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
- Push to the original branch: git push origin <project_name>/
- Create the pull request.
- Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
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