This cordova plugin gives you the ability to listen to media events from the platform.
Currently implemented events:
- becomingnoisy - Fired when your media playback is set to become too noisy. For example when the headphones are pulled out.
Events that will be implemented in the future:
- audiofocusgain - when your application has received the audio focus. You can now use the audio freely.
- audiofocusloss - when your app has lost the audio focus. Stop audio playback and cleanup all associated resourced.
- audiofocuslosstransient - When your app has lost the audio focus for very short amount of time. Stop audio playback but you can keep media resourced loaded.
- audiofocuslosstransientcanduck - You app has lost audio focus but it is acceptable for it to continue playing at lower volume.
- Android
For the moment I do not think to implement it for any other platform. Pull requests with implementation for other platforms are welcome, though!
cordova plugin add
Edit your
and add<action android:name="" />
into the tag.
function onBecomingNoisy(event) {
// Do something on becomenoisy event
var app = {
initialize: function() {
bindEvents: function() {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady, false);
onDeviceReady: function() {
bindPluginEvents: function() {
window.addEventListener("becomingnoisy", onBecomingNoisy, false);
<script type="text/javascript">
Heavily inspired by the cordova battery status plugin.