EDI is a hackerspace automation system designed to be, well, hacker friendly :)
Build around an AMQP Server and small Apps. Customize EDI by editing code not XML files.
Most Apps are written in python followed by bash and Clojure. A library for python is included as well as a helper tool to easily connect shell scripts.
- Develop with any programming language
- No access control to keep people out
- Loosely coupled subsystems with simple tasks
- Keep state local
- Each subsystem runs as own process
- Subsystem communicate via messages
- Broker routes messages
- Subsystems can run anywhere
- IRC Bot
- sed substitution
- karma
- User Presence
- login
- logout
- eta
- Help
- Automation
- DMX Lamp control
- 433Mhz
- Text-to-speech
- Init System
- Room shutdown, startup
- Greetings
- TTS: Hello User once a user logs in
- Gimmicks
- Weather
- Fortune
In doc/
folder or as html:
- user same msg exchange as irc bot
- Possible routing keys: “jabber.recv.raw” “jabber.send.raw”
- Repeatedly parse calendar files. Ideally iCalendar. Load from Caldav? google calendar?
- Calendar contains EDI commands. Tool emits commands at specified times.
- Alternative to cron + emit_cmd script
- Could be useful to build an alarm clock
- Event
- Something is going to happen at a point in time. Wie das digitale Zeitalter..
- Calendar events like Smalltalks
- Something like the emacs modeline?
Speech to text. At least in english. Perform natural language processing to extract meaning. Generate commands.
pocketsphinx is a cpp implementation of sphinx, smaller and not java.
- debian/ubuntu packages: https://launchpad.net/~dhuggins/+archive/cmusphinx
- transformations:
- we can’t recognize users by voice.
- “!say” not nice to say. instead:
- “user command <user> <command>”
- “UC <user> <command>”
- “command <command>
- “do <command>”
- “EDI: command say foo”
- “EDI: user command seri login”
- “EDI: user command seri logout”
- “EDI <TONE> ”
- natural language processing web app
- does the text -> meaning part
- exports sphinx language models
- recv
- voice recognition with some custom transformations
- send
- notify.audio?
- .. we can recocnize users by callerid
- login by phone?
- desktop edi voice clients based on SIP
Distributed under the GPLv3 unless otherwise specified.
- seri on hackint; irq0 on freenode; Ask around in #c3pb
- Reference EDI setup runs in #c3pb on hackint and in the Subraum hackerspace