This repo aims to track my personal progress on Blind75 questions in preparation for technical assessments in the upcoming application season for internships/jobs. The questions attempted are based on the Blind75 questions. A reference to the questions and their order can be found here.
Question Name | Difficulty | Status | Link |
Two Sum | Easy | Done ✅ | 2sum.cpp |
Valid Paranthesis | Easy | Done ✅ | valid_paran.cpp |
Merge Two Sorted List | Easy | Done ✅ | merge2sorted.cpp |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Easy | Done ✅ | stock.cpp |
Valid Palindrome | Easy | Done ✅ | is_palindrome.cpp |
Invert Binary Tree | Easy | Done ✅ | invert_tree.cpp |
Valid Anagran | Easy | Done ✅ | is_anagram.cpp |
Binary Search | Easy | Done ✅ | binary_search.cpp |
Flood Fill | Easy | Done ✅ | flood_fill.cpp |
Lowest Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Easy | Done ✅ | lowest_common_ancestor.cpp |
Balanced Binary Tree | Easy | Done ✅ | bbt.cpp |
Linked List Cycle | Easy | Done ✅ | list_cycle.cpp |
Implement Queue Using Stacks | Easy | Done ✅ | queue.cpp |
Question Name | Difficulty | Status | Link |
First Bad Version | Easy | Done ✅ | first_bad.cpp |
Ransom Note | Easy | Done ✅ | ransom_note.cpp |
Climbing Stairs | Easy | Done ✅ | stairs.cpp |
Longest Palindrome | Easy | Done ✅ | longest_palindrome.cpp |
Reverse Linked List | Easy | Done ✅ | reverse_list.cpp |
Majority Element | Easy | Done ✅ | majority_element.cpp |
Add Binary | Easy | Done ✅ | add_binary.cpp |
Diameter Binary Tree | Easy | Done ✅ | diameter_bt.cpp |
Middle of Linked List | Easy | Done ✅ | middle_list.cpp |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | Done ✅ | max_depth_bt.cpp |
Contains Duplicates | Easy | Done ✅ | duplicates.cpp |
Maximum Subarray | Medium | Done ✅ | max_subarr.cpp |
Question Name | Difficulty | Status | Link |
Insert Interval | Medium | Done ✅ | interval.cpp |
01 Matrix | Medium | Done ✅ | 01_matrix.cpp |
K Closests Points to Origin | Medium | Done ✅ | k_closest_points.cpp |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Medium | Done ✅ | longest_substring.cpp |
3Sum | Medium | Done ✅ | 3sum.cpp |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Medium | Done ✅ | bt_level.cpp |
Clone Graph | Medium | Done ✅ | clone_graph.cpp |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | Medium | Done ✅ | polish_notation.cpp |
Question Name | Difficulty | Status | Link |
Course Schedule | Medium | Done ✅ | course_schedule.cpp |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Medium | Done ✅ | trie.cpp |
Coin Change | Medium | Done ✅ | change.cpp |
Product of Array Except Self | Medium | Done ✅ | product.cpp |
Min Stack | Medium | Done ✅ | min_stack.cpp |
Validate Binary Search Tree | Medium | Done ✅ | validate_bst.cpp |
Number of Islands | Medium | Done ✅ | islands.cpp |
Rotting Oranges | Medium | Done ✅ | oranges.cpp |
Question Name | Difficulty | Status | Link |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | Done ✅ | rotated_arr.cpp |
Combination Sum | Medium | Done ✅ | combination.cpp |
Permutations | Medium | Done ✅ | permutations.cpp |
Merge Interval | Medium | Done ✅ | merge.cpp |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree | Medium | Done ✅ | lca_bst.cpp |
Time Based Key-Value Store | Medium | Done ✅ | time_store.cpp |
Accounts Merge | Medium | Done ✅ | accounts.cpp |
Sort Colours | Medium | Done ✅ | sort_colours.cpp |
Question Name | Difficulty | Status | Link |
Word Break | Medium | Not Done | |
Partition Equal Subset Sum | Medium | Not Done | |
String to Integer (Atoi) | Medium | Not Done | |
Spiral Matrix | Medium | Not Done | |
Subsets | Medium | Not Done | |
Binary Tree Right Side View | Medium | Not Done | |
Longest Palindromic Substring | Medium | Not Done | |
Unique Paths | Medium | Not Done | |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal | Medium | Not Done |