Multi-modal equation entry on the web.
Inequality is the drag-and-drop, symbolic entry system developed for Isaac Physics for users to enter symbolic maths (and chemistry, and boolean logic) in a way familiar to a high school student who does not know any other specialist syntax.
A demo is available -- and yes, we are aware of the naming irony here, that's what happens when you rewrite a legacy project.
For information on how to integrate Inequality into your project, please see
Please see and inline code comments.
npm i --save inequality
yarn add inequality
import { makeInequality } from 'inequality';
let eqnEditorElement = document.querySelector('.equation-editor')[0];
let { sketch, p } = makeInequality(
[], // place your initial symbols here
fontItalicPath: 'assets/STIXGeneral-Italic.ttf', // Yes, this is a little awkward but p5 wants to load fonts from paths...
fontRegularPath: 'assets/STIXGeneral-Regular.ttf',
sketch.log = { initialState: [], actions: [] };
sketch.onNewEditorState = (s) => { /* Do something with the new state */ };
sketch.onCloseMenus = () => { /* You can use this to close menus if you have hiding menus */ };
sketch.isUserPrivileged = () => { /* Just return true here :) */ };
sketch.onNotifySymbolDrag = (x, y) => { /* This is useful with external menus */ };
sketch.isTrashActive = () => { /* This is useful when some menu elements or buttons are DOM elements */ };